I kissed a girl and i liked it...?

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Song title: i kissed a girl

Enid was laying in bed, scrolling through tiktok. She suddenly sees a shade. And the familiar scent of Wednesday, dead roses and sour perfume, filled her nose. Wednesdays heartbeat and breathing was loud to her werewolf ears.

Enid puts her phone on her chest. "Wednesday? Are you-" Enid gets caught by surprise. Wednesday grabbed her cheeks with her middle and thumb fingers,other fingers gliding over her warm cheeks. Enids eyes grew wide, the coldness of Wednesdays hands mixing with the hot blush of her cheeks. "What are you doing?" Enid asks in full surprise and anticipation. Wednesday was holding her, not doing anything. Just standing with her fingers on Enids cheeks.

Do something! Anything?! Say its a mistake, or whatever you would want to say in this situation!Just something! Enids thoughts raced. Without a second thought, Wednesday smashed her lips onto Enids soft lips. Enids eyes felt as if they may pop out their sockets. Wednesday was rough and passionate. Enid crawled back, giving Wednesday more space to move. Wednesday seemingly took it in the wrong way and pulled away, catching her breath.

"Sorry...i-..." her eyes were wide, as if she was surprised by her own actions. Enid missed the feeling of Wednesdays lips already. "Uh- did you pull away because i hurt you?" Wednesday started off. Enid shook her head rapidly. She crawled more back. "Im giving you room, Wednesday. Carry on." Enid said embarrassedly. Wednesdays eyebrows raised for a second before dropping. "Right. Okay." Wednesday said before placing her lips more carefully on Enids. Enid immediately kisses her back, she feels comfort in how Wednesdays lips feel, as if its meant to be.

Enid leaned against the wall. Wednesday was practically on-top of her. Well- is on top of her. One knee was outside of Enids thigh, the other in between Enids legs. Enid put a hand at the back of Wednesdays neck, trying to take any type of control to the kiss. Wednesday pulled away, panting for a few seconds, keeping eye contact. "Dont." Wednesday said.

Enid looked at her curiously.

"Dont try take control. Let me do all the work." Wednesday said. Before Enid could even process the words, Wednesdays lips were on hers again. "Wait Wednesday." Enid said against her lips. She pulled away. "What..how..why are you suddenly...." Enid groans. "This is unusual. Of you. This is not you." Enid managed to say. Wednesday nods. "I know. But i need you." Wednesday whispered. Enids eyes shot wide. "You...need me?" Enids voice was high. Very high. And quite. Wednesday nodded.

Enid looked at her. Stared at her. "Not anything sexual. I just need to get my...feelings out." Wednesday said, forcing the words "feelings" out her throat.

Enid nods, ignoring the fact that she basically just admitted she liked Enid. Enid pulls Wednesday back into a kiss. Wednesday places a hand on Enids cheek. Enid shivers at the sudden cold touch, but calmed down once she knew it was Wednesday. Obviously it was Wednesday. The one she was making out with. Kissing passionately on her bed with. Who else would it be?

Enid placed a hand on Wednesdays to calm her thoughts. Wednesday pulled away to breathe. They stared at each other as they gained their breath.

"Wow...Wednesday...i-" Wednesday glided her hand on her cheek to cup Enids mouth. "Dont speak. " Enid stared at her for a second before nodding rapidly. Wednesday moved her hand, replacing it with a long kiss.

She finally pulled away, looking at her masterpiece. Black lipstick covered Enids lips and around her lips. Her eyes where wide with shock. Wednesday thought for a second before crawling down Enid. "Y-your just going to leave like that? After you basically made out with me..?!" Enid said disappointed and slightly angry.

"I didnt say we were done." She looked into Enids eyes. "Or that you could speak." Wednesday said. Enids widened mouth shut immediately. Wednesday lowered her head so her lips where near Enids jaw. Wednesday put her index and thumb on Enids chin, a silent command to lift her head. Enid obeyed,giving Wednesday a better canvas. Wednesday hummed approvingly. "I see you like to listen to my orders, hm?" Wednesday asked. Enids breath hitched in her throat.

"Answer me." Wednesday demanded. Enids chest rose slightly. "Uh-i-...how do you want me to answer that W-Wednesday?!" Enid said, her mind was filled with many thoughts. Most of them not making sense.


She took a deep breath. "Yes or no, Enid." Wednesday said. Enid swallowed the lump in her throat. "Y-yes..." Enid said, her voice filled with embarrassment.

Wednesday tried hard not to smirk. "Hm."
Wednesday hummed, short and simple. Enid panicked. Did i make her uncomfortable? Is she okay? Is she regretting this?

The thoughts immediately disappeared as Wednesdays lips sucked and nibbled on Enids neck. Enid put her hands on her lips to stop embarrassing sounds from coming out. Wednesday stopped biting. She looked up at Enid. "Hands off. Now." Wednesday commanded. Enids eyebrows raised before she hesitantly took her hands of her hands.

Wednesday stared at her for a second. I guess she deserves some niceness after she listened to all my orders. Wednesday thought. Wednesdays glare softened slightly.

"Good girl." Wednesday said, not understanding the kinky meaning behind the two words. Enids eyes widened. She couldnt help but let out a whimper. Wednesdays eyebrows raised. "You like...my praise?" Wednesday asked. Enid looked away. "Look at me, Enid." Wednesday said. Enid contemplated before showing her red face to Wednesday. "Answer the question." She demanded.

Enid nodded. Wednesday raised an eyebrow. "Talk." Wednesday commanded. Enid shuffled a little before opening her mouth, even though she was afraid she would say something stupid. "Y-yes." Enid said, shutting her eyes shut after. Wednesday smirked. "Hm? Yes to what, Enid?" Wednesday asked, acting clueless.

"Wednesday!! Its almost as if you like embarrassing me!" Enid said, avoiding the question. Wednesday raised an eyebrow. Realisation hit Enid like a ball to the face. "O-oh...you get a rise out of embarrassing me...?" Enid asked with a blush covered face. Wednesday rolled her eyes. "I thought that was obvious." Wednesday got up, straightening up. "Thats enough." She paused, finally meeting Enids eyes. "For today." She said, her eyes holding the gaze for a couple more seconds before shifting to a shocked thing on Wednesdays bed.

"What? Couldnt believe i would actually do it?" Wednesday asked Thing, getting off of the bed.

I dared you to kiss her, not makeout and confess to her! Thing tapped in shock. Wednesday straightened out her uniform. She turned toward Enid, ignoring Thing. "According to your reaction to me kissing-"

Making out. Thing tapped in the background.

Wednesday cleared her throat. "Kissing you. I expect you share the same feelings?" Wednesday asked. Enid just stared at her, wide eyed. Wednesday raised an eyebrow. "Yeah..." Enid finally answered in a low, breathy whisper. Wednesday smirked down at her. "I see i have an effect on you. I may use that to my advantage." Wednesday stated before going to Thing. Enid sat there wide eyed.

Im ngl i cringed writing this and reading this back but ik ppl like this kinda shit so who am i to judge ✋😳✋
1238 words.

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