Were kissing in the bathroom.

813 14 56

Song title:LES

Take this short one as u wait for the singer au my loves 😉❤️

This ones a littttlllleeeee inappropriate!!! Just making out.
And yea, were getting straight to the point.


Enid pushed Wednesday against the wall, making Wednesday grunt under her.

"You little.." Enid shut herself up by sucking on Wednesdays bottom lip, earning a low whine from the girl under her. She was trying her hardest to keep the embarrassing sounds at bay.

"You just cant stop yourself, can you?" Enid asked rhetorically, softly biting the lip she helplessly sucked on.

Wednesday swallowed the moan that was trying to escape. "Menid!? What did i do wrong?" Wednesday asked, surprised to be pushed against the wall so fast.

Enid had just asked if she could go touch up her make up, not go touch HER up and make OUT with her!!

"Youre flirting with that stupid artist...what do you find so god damn interesting about that little bitch?" Enid complained. Her hands tightened around Wednesdays hips, awaiting an answer.

"I dont find Xavier interesting, Enid. He is just on my suspect list and i have to get him to like me, please calm down."

Enid growled lowly, her wolf instincts kicking in. God, she hated when that happened.

"Calm down? My girlfriend is flirting with some ugly stupid boy and im supposed to not give a shit?" Enid asked, her mouth widening unbelievably.

Wednesday whimpered as Enids claws dug into her hips. "E-Enid. Your claws..." she mumbled, looking down.

Enid didnt look as she pulled them back. "Lets go back." She mumbled quietly, letting go of Wednesday as she took out her lipstick from her bag.

She slowly applied it to her plump lips using the mirror, pushing her lips together to make the lipstick spread to the upper lip.

Wednesday sighed, walking toward Enid. "Enid, come on." She mumbled.

"I am, just wait." Enid sighed, putting the lipstick back in her bag. She pulled out some cherry lipgloss and lightly squeezed the bottle. She softly pat her lips with the substance.

"I didnt mean it like that. I meant, come on, dont be like that." Wednesday explained.

Enid closed her eyes. "Lets go, Wednesday." Enid said plainly, walking out the bathroom door. Wednesday frowned as she followed.


"Hey guys! What took so long?" Xavier asked curiously.

Enid rolled her eyes and mumbled something under her breathe.

"Enid wanted to talk about something." Wednesday replied, walking to Enids side.

Xavier hummed. "Well, lets go. Our places are going to get stolen if we dont get there earlier!" Xavier exclaimed as he started walking toward the cinemas.

Wednesday nodded, starting to walk. She felt Enid walk closely behind her, but not next to her.

"Enid." Wednesday said, continuing to walk.

Enid grumbled.

Wednesday stopped, causing Enid to stop too.

"Enid, i promise you. I only like you. I only want you. I only need you.i only please you. And, most of all, i only love you. And only you. Please, stop moping around. I wont touch or even give him decent responses." Wednesday negotiated, her hands making its way to Enids right sometime during the confession.

Enid blushed deeply. "Whatever. The ads are about to start, lets go." She sighed, walking toward Xavier who was watching and waiting by the door.

Wednesday pulled her back. She needed to do this. She needed to make Enid happy. She needed to make Enid her happy, sloppy self again.

She pulled her in to a kiss. The taste of cherry exploded in her mouth.

Enid kissed back after a moment of surprise, her eyes finally closing.

Wednesday frowned as she pulled away. "Happy?" She asked hopefully.

Enids face slowly lifted into a happy smile.  "Very!" She exclaimed, her hand squeezing Wednesdays as she pulled her toward Xavier, skipping eagerly.

"Yo, Wednesday you have lipsti-" Xavier started.

"I know." Wednesday replied as she passed him, still getting dragged by Enid.

Xavier shrugged as he entered after her.

Is this too much? Idk i think i was just like i reeeaaallllyyyy wanted to write wenclair making out and i just do not know why myself guys 😭😭
699 words, this was so short

Also, WHERE R MOST OF MY COMMENTERS GONE??? Like i only have 2 who constantly comment

WHERE R U lokiisacat ?!?!? 

only one has been commenting which is urdemonic_child

Enid is the girl that i want to kiss...Where stories live. Discover now