These guys,they dont like me cuz their 'girlfriends' do.

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Gacha phase ☺️☺️☺️ song:guys dont like me

Tyler isnt the hyde and Xavier isnt acted by a weirdo ‼️‼️

Also Wednesday didnt kiss tyler (delulu☺️)


"Hey, Wednesday!" Tyler randomly appeared, smiling and waving, now walking beside Wednesday.

Wednesday didnt spare a glance, she forced her eyes to stay straight forward.

"I was wondering if you want to go on a date again..." he asked nervously.

"I thought my absence of conversing would show that i am not interested in talking to you, but i forgot how numb-brained you are." Wednesday spoke clearly.

Tyler chuckled, only taking it as teasing. "So..?" He urged.

Before Wednesday could decline, another annoying voice came along.

"Wednesday! I have something to ask you!" A masculine voice called out, running to Wednesdays free side. Two annoying men.

She just carried on walking, the two boys slightly behind her. Where was that stupid coffee shop?

"I just wanted to ask if you would go on a date with me?" Xavier carried on.

Wednesday closed her eyes briefly. What made these buffoons think they would even get a fraction of her time, let alone a whole hour or two?

Again, Wednesday was interrupted by two hands on her shoulders and a sudden force pushing her forward.

"Wends!" The girl exclaimed. Wednesdays mood softened when she heard the voice and glanced at the overly coloured nails on her shoulder. She finally stopped walking, turning around so Enid and her were face to face, ignoring the two boys bickering about who gets to take her out. She found it quite hilarious how she was going to deny the both of them, but Tylers angry face and Xaviers widened eyes made her slightly smile.

"Youre going on a date with me, ok? Be ready by..." she looked down at the watch wrapped around her wrist. "Say...6:30?" Enid tilted her head to one side.

Wednesday hummed. "Thats acceptable. Now, would you guide me toward that new coffee shop that was installed a day or two ago? I have been walking around mindlessly with these love sick idiots." Wednesday nodded her head toward the two boys who had there mouth wide open.

Enid looked at the two with a raised eyebrow before chuckling. "Yeah follow me. I heard they do coloured croissants. You think they would make a black one?" Enid teased, wrapping an arm around Wednesdays shoulder as she lead them toward the shop.

Wednesday smirked. "I would force them if they wont." She said, not bothered by the arm.

She turned her head to look around the undiscovered part of town, missing how Enid winked and smirked at the two boys not far behind them.


"So.." Xavier slowly spoke up,pulling up his fencing mask and placing it under his right arm. "How was the date?" He asked, slightly jealous.

Wednesday smirked at the memories from last night. They treated the date like it was their last-which it most definitely wasnt. Enid took them to the woods, Wednesdays most favourite part of nevermore, and they had a picnic. They spent the time talking,stargazing,eating,giggling about fuck knows what and just having fun. The night ended in a nice and long makeout session on Wednesdays bed, sleeping there right after.

"Exquisite." She replied, her smile dropping. Xavier frowned. "Are today?" He asked hopefully. Wednesday almost wanted to laugh, but resorted to raising an eyebrow at him. "I will not think about it." She replied, putting down her sabre.

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