Cat kitty cat cat kitty cat cat!!

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Song title: FVN!

Guys this isnt meant to be a ship thingy but ive had this idea for a VERY. VERY. VERYYY. Long time but idk if u guys would find it weird since we both ship them 😭 but i promise u i literally only wrote it because i recently (a few months ago) got a little kitty and have been thinking abt how she is so moody and feisty and reminds me of Wednesday and Enid because shes so mad and rude around other ppl but with family (me and my family members) she likes to purr and be nice 😭😭

ANYWAY this was an explanation of why it isnt weird which means it might be weird idk... if it is- SORRY!!!

Enjoy Wednesday as a cat and Enid as her owner (god that sounds messed up)

Also for the non cat lovers who know nothing abt them here:

Also for the non cat lovers who know nothing abt them here:

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Hope this helps ur understanding of cats!!!

After getting a new apartment, away from toxic family and overwhelmingly loud friends (who she still loved) she found herself quite lonely. What better way to fix that then getting an animal?

Now, you would probably suspect her to get a dog- a golden retriever. But, once she laid eyes on the kitten, sleeping peacefully, she couldnt think of any other animal she wanted.

So- she picked her. Her name was Wednesday. She was a Tuxedo cat, a black kitty with white markings. Her eyes were yellow and big, which Enid found adorable.

But, once she settled down with the cat, buying the correct food, toys and supplies for her, Wednesday was a grumpy kitty. So grumpy.

"Wednesday, Wednesday!" Enid called out in her baby voice- which she found she does commonly around Wednesday. Wednesday looked at Enid, sitting comfortable on the floor. Enid walked closer, to which Wednesday backed away, her tail low but fluffed out, her ears flattened and her back hunched.

Enid physically frowned at the reaction. "Hey, hey its okay! Dont worry, im not going to hurt you." Enid spoke softly, making Wednesday slowly back away two more steps before sitting down again. Enid smiled, taking that as progress as she slowly moved to sit on the floor with Wednesday, though much farther away. "Here, do you want this treat?" Enid asked softly, holding out her left hand that held a small dental treat.

Wednesday sniffed around, trying to find where the smell emitted from. She walked toward the smell, Enid smiling excitedly as she sniffed around her hand, licking the skin around it which made Enid giggle at the unusual feeling. She finally found the treat, collecting it into her mouth. Enid watched as Wednesday chewed, her tail swaying from side to side slowly on the floor. Her ears are no longer back and shes sitting calmly by Enids hand, licking the remains off of it.

Enid grinned happily, slowly moving to pet Wednesday under her neck.

Wednesday didnt back away scared, this time she lifted her neck and closed her eyes contently, letting Enid pet her.

Enid is the girl that i want to kiss...Where stories live. Discover now