You just want attention.

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Song title: attention

Wednesday typed on her type writer. She was in the middle of her time, but she only had 2 paragraphs. Normally, by 30 minutes, she would have double that. What didnt help was the faint footsteps of Enid coming closer to her.

Wednesday stopped typing. She turned around to see Enid right behind her, hands behind her back. "Yes, Sinclair?" Wednesday asked.

"Willaaa, when are you done?"

"You know my schedule. You tell me."

Enid groaned. "You have cello after this! When can i have you??"

Wednesdays eyebrows raised slightly. "'Have me?' What does that mean" Wednesday asked.

"I need attention!" Enid whisper yelled.

Wednesday hummed. "Well, i just gave you attention for 4 minutes, so i will be resuming to my writing."

Enid whined. "Willaaa!! I have nothing to do, my phones dead and thing is sleeping!"

Wednesday sighed. "You can talk to me while i write, fair?"

Enid thought for a moment. "Okay!" She said before getting closer to her. She wrapped her arms around her waist, the chair slightly in the way. She placed her chin in wednesdays neck.

Wednesday grunted. "Enid, i said talk not bother."

"But i said i needed attention, so this works for both of us! You write, and i have your warm presence!"

Wednesday sighed. "Okay."

Wednesday resumed to her writing. She wrote about another paragraph before she groaned. "Sinclair. Your perfume and presence is distracting me."

"I am? Well that doesnt matter as you have 30 seconds left of your writing time"

Wednesday drew in a deep breath. "Let me move to get my cello."


"....why did you move so quick? Are you going to distract me from my cello too?"

"I wouldnt call it distracting! Id call it....a comforting companion!"

Wednesday stared at her. "Sinclair, i thought we agreed we have our normal routines in the morning then we have the night to ourselves. We can cuddle and kiss before we sleep."

"But i need it nowww!"

Wednesday looked at her. "30 minutes cello, 30 minutes you do whatever you want with me."

Enids eyes widened and a red blush appeared on her face. Wednesday raised her eyebrows. "Not like that, Sinclair."

Enid burst out laughing. "S-sorry, why would you say it like that" Enid said in between laughs.

Wednesday sighed. "Cello first. Then you can....spend time with me for 30 minutes before i go out, okay?"

Enid 'mhm'ed and walked towards the balcony.

"Where do you think You're going?"

"I want to watch you play!"

"...fine. No touching."

Enid nodded before she walked outside and sat down on the chair.


Enid sat patiently, waiting for Wednesday to finish. Once the timer went off, Enid shot up from her seat. Wednesday held up a hand. "Let me put my cello away."

Enid groaned. "Wednesday!! You promised 30 minutes!!"

"So desperate, Cara mia."Wednesday dragged out the 'mia'. Enids face turned red and her body went stiff. "Ill put it away after then, come on, do your...thing."

Wednesday stood, waiting for Enid. Enid beamed, running over to pull Wednesday in for a hug. After a few seconds, Wednesday hugged her back. "Lets go inside. I dont want you or me catching a cold."

Enid nodded.


As soon as Wednesday sat on the bed, Enid tackled her. "Can we have more then 30 minutes, pleaseeeee..?"

Wednesday sighed. "45. No more."  Enid squealed before she squeezed her tighter. She placed kissed all over her face, not touching her lips.


"Hmm?" Enid replied knowingly.

"You know what, Sinclair."

"I certainly do not, Addams." Enid replied smirking.

"Stop teasing me..." Wednesday drew in a breath.

"Im not teasingggg?"Enid said, placing a kiss on Wednesdays cheek. Wednesday glared at her. Enid raised an eyebrow, pretending to be confused. Wednesdays eyes flickered down to her lips. Wednesday rolled her eyes. "Sinclair."


"What did i do to you?"

"Whatever do you mean, Willa?"

Wednesday placed a hand on the back on Enids neck. She stroked her neck with her thumb.

"Please,Cara mia?"

Enids neck and face flushed a crimson red. She rolled her eyes before she leaned forward to kiss wednesday. Wednesday let a hint of a smirk play on her lips, to celebrate her victory.

Enid kissed Wednesday softly, before she trailed kisses down to Wednesdays neck. She kissed Wednesdays soft skin before she went back to Wednesdays face.

"Did you just mark me?"

"What does that mean?"

"You would call it an 'hickey' if im correct."

"Oh shit, sorry, i didnt notice i did it that hard..." Enid said, looking down at Wednesdays neck. Wednesday kissed Enids forehead.

"You have little time left, Cara mia."

Enids face dropped into a sad face. Wednesdays chest tightened. "Okay..." Enid replied sadly.

"Just today."

"Hm?" Enid's face lit up, but didnt make an action on it just in case she took it the wrong way.

"The whole night. Let me cancel on Eug-Mmm" Enid kissed Wednesday passionately, cutting Wednesday off.

"I cant express how much i LOVE you!!!"

"I think you already have." Wednesday said jokingly.

"This is only a small amount of my love." enid said before attacking every inch of Wednesday from forehead to collarbone with kisses. Wednesday lied down and took it all in.

All of Enids love.

She didn't get the chance to cancel on Eugene, but he didn't call to find out why she didn't come. Perhaps he came by to check, but was met to the sounds of sloppy kisses and giggles from Enid.

Eugene couldn't blame Wednesday, how could you resist the bubbly blondes sad face?

Enid is the girl that i want to kiss...Where stories live. Discover now