Have you ever thought of dating a singer?

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This is what youve all beenwaiting for- be ready cuz its a long ass chapter (more than 3000 words)

Thank you to whover requested it for being so patient

this is so out of character i do not know why i made Wednesday the flirty one but i am not re writing all this dude😭

Enid was sat, chin in the palm of her hands as she stared at her laptop screen, focusing on the gorgeous goth girl playing her regular electric guitar effortlessly, her eyes were practically heart shaped.

She listened to the goth girl, who was named Wednesday, play the instrument, looking into the crowd occasionally.

Wednesday was...interesting. She was different. Well, so was Enid- but she was the complete opposite.

Enid loved colour, her outfits always consisting st least three colours.

Wednesday, however, consists of different shades of greys, whites and blacks.

Enid had a bubbly personality, her face always covered in a mouth splitting grin.

Wednesday, as always, countered Enids personality. She was cold and somewhat depressed. Her face was always masked with a deadpan, emotionless stare.

But, god, how much she loved her. She was absolutely head over heels for her. Thats why Enid was booking tickets just to see her. To see her celebrity crush. Who wasnt even the main band member.

Is this counted as crazy...?

Nonsense! People stalk their celebrity crushes, this is just...bare minimum.

Anyway, she believed that the other band members were...Bianca and...Xavies? Zack? OH!!! Xavier! Thats his name!

Bianca was the main and Xavier was the drummer. And there was another that played bass that Yoko was also obsessed with.

Obviously, she didnt care much for them- unless she came across a "Xavier and Wednesday cute moments compilation!!" On youtube, then she would get extremely mad and start angry sleeping.

However, she did need to remind herself from time to time that Wednesday was in fact a complete stranger to her.


Wednesday frowned as she was getting scolded at once again.

"You need to start showing emotion! If people think you arent into playing, theyre going to think youre self centred and dont care about your fans!" Bianca complained, groaning tiredly.

Wednesday rolled her eyes, slouching in her chair. "Right. I have a show later on, lets see how i do." Wednesday smirked as she spoke, an idea spiking in her mind.

Bianca squeezed her eyes shut. "What are you planning this time dude." Bianca asked, absolutely fed up of the goth opposite her.

"Nothing." Wednesday said, innocently forcing her face to return to her normal deadpan stare.

Bianca sighed.


Enid pulled the vibrant sweater to just about reach her thighs. "Perfect!" She exclaimed as she examined herself with the full length mirror infront of her.

She was wearing a bright pink sweater that was dotted with yellow,green and blue polka dots. She wore dark blue jeans to pair with it, along with a white purse. She topped it off with a bright pink jacket.

Enid is the girl that i want to kiss...Where stories live. Discover now