Cupid is so dumb.

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Guys i think this was a request but i cant seem to find it...its Bianca helping Wednesday to flirt but it all judt kinda failed cuz i got mad irl so i made Enid mad too 💀

If there were to be a creature called cupid, it was very dumb.

How did cupid decide that someone like Enid would be the person Wednesday would be 'crushing' on in that moment.

Someone that would make her willing to go to Bianca for help.

"Wednesday?" She asked as she opened her dorm door.

Wednesday sighed almost embarrassedly. "Hello, Bianca. May i join you inside." Wednesday asked,slightly nervous.

Bianca raised an eyebrow before scoffing. "Yes you may, ma'am." She said in a jokingly posh voice, opening the door with a curtsy.

Wednesday cut her eyes at her. Shes going to be so infuriating once she finds out why Wednesday was here.

"..." Bianca sat there, eyes wide in shock. "You want...ME... to help you flirt with someone?" Bianca asked, her eyes and mouth as wide as each other.

Wednesday nodded, no embarrassment shown on her face but it felt like bats were trying to claw its way out of her stomach.

"And this someone is...?" She asked curiously, also knowing Wednesday wouldnt give her a straight answer.

"That isnt something you need to know for this task. Would you help me court this person or not, Bianca?" She asked hopefully.

Bianca shrugged her shoulders. "If its to find out who opened your black little heart." She said jokingly.


"Hello....wolfie." Wednesday said through her gritted teeth.

Enids head flew to the voice, not believing the words she just heard.

"W-what did you say, Weds?" She asked surprisedly, also slightly threatened.

What the fuck does it mean when Wednesday is calling you words like wolfie? That means shes trying to put you down slowly as she has fun torturing you to the bone...




Okay maybe Wednesday was rubbing off on her, but seriously, what does it mean when Wednesday calls you a nickname???

"Rule NO.1 of flirting, small little gestures like touching or nicknames that fit the person. Likeee.... 'My Bob Ross'?" Bianca said hopefully.

"No. Its not Xavier. But okay, this is in my notes. Whats the next rule."

Wednesday walked toward the blonde. She put a hand to her shoulder hesitantly.

"Y-You look...decent today...i mean your hair looks...nice." Wednesday said in a panicky attitude.

Enids eyes widened. Is she going to die right now? Is Wednesday going to pull out a knife and slit her throat or something?!

Wednesday the moved closer to Enids face, her face burning red. "I-I think your eyes are soul-sucking." She whispered nervously.

Enids face turned a little red at the proximity. But her eyes were wide by her words. Soul sucking? Is that how shes going to kill her? Suck her eyes out?!??

Enid is the girl that i want to kiss...Where stories live. Discover now