Snap out if it! Part 2 😘

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"Hi Wends!" Enid said, kissing her cheek before sitting beside her. "Hello." Wednesday said before returning the kiss. "Why is the teacher so late?" Enid asked, looking around to find the teacher.

"Hes always late." Wednesday stated, writing something down in her notebook. " you wanna go out today?" Enid asked in a rushed way. Almost as if she was scared to ask.

"Yes. I wouldnt mind that." Wednesday said, still writing. Enid narrowed her eyes. Its been a day, and Wednesday hasnt done anything out of the ordinary-well for her. "Right-so did you want me to plan or.."

"I was hoping i could take you on the date. It would be interesting to show you how Addams take others on dates." Wednesday said. There was a small smirk on her face. Enid nodded nervously. Am i going to die?


"Are you ready for the date?" Wednesday asked. She walked out the toilet to see Enid dressed in a red dress and her face glammed with carefully done makeup.

"How do i looooookk..?" Enid asked, giving a small twirl excitedly. Wednesday walked closer. "You look gorgeous,Enid. However i wouldnt want your dress to get dirty. Please put on some clothes that you wouldnt mind getting dirty-" she paused. "-or ripped to shreds." Wednesday watched Enids face frown and her eyebrows knit in confusion.

"Uh-okay? Thats- weird to say on a first date..?" Enid said, laughing nervously. She slipped out of her dress and changed into a grey oversized hoodie and joggers. "Good enough?" Enid asked. Wednesday nodded. "You look good in everything, Enid." Wednesday said, holding out her hand.

Enid raised her eyebrows at the compliment and her cheeks flush. She takes Wednesdays hand hesitantly before walking side by side to Wednesday.


"Where the fuck are you taking me Wends?" Enid asked, her teeth chattering at the coldness. "I should of warned you to bring a coat." Wednesday took her coat off, putting it over Enid. "My punishment for not telling you." Wednesday said. She let go of Enids hand so she could put the coat on her properly. "You really like oversized stuff, huh? How does your coat fit me perfectly?!" Enid asked with a small laugh. "Its more easy to hide weapons within baggy clothing. Now, do you have any idea on this date?" Wednesday asked.

"Are we burying each other alive?" Enid asked jokingly. Wednesday smirked. "You know me so well. But, unfortunately, no. We are going to be fighting . First to draw blood." Wednesday said, pulling out a dagger.

Enids eyes widened and she stepped back on impulse. "Wait what?!" Enid asked . Wednesday shook her head. "No,no im not planning to kill you, Enid. I just want to see whos the strongest in the relationship." Wednesday said, moving closer. Enid blinked before taking out her claws. "Great, im going to be fighting my girlfriend now." Enid said before Wednesday slashed at her with the dagger.

Enid dodged effortlessly and tried to get Wednesdays stomach with her clawed hand. Wednesday stepped back, making Enid miss the hit. Enid tried to dodge the next hit, but Wednesday did something unexpected. She pushed Enid to the ground and put a knife to her throat.

Enids eyebrows raised in surprise and her cheeks grew hot. Why am i finding my life at risk hot!? Enid then noticed her hands werent restrained. She raised a hand and cupped Wednesdays cheek. Wednesday raised an eyebrow but blushed a little. Before Wednesday could stop it, Enids thumb made a small cut onto her cheek, enough to draw blood. "I won." Enid whispered with a smirk.

Wednesdays eyes widened. How did Enid beat her? "Youre a clever person." Wednesday said, getting up. Enid also got up with the help of Wednesday. "I think i just fell more in love." Wednesday said, only half joking. Enid wiped the blood off Wednesdays face, making the blood smudge.

"Lets go home so i could put a plaster on you." Enid said, taking Wednesdays hand. Wednesday didnt protest, she just let herself be led back into the dorms.

"Enid, its a small cut. It would heal without a plaster." Wednesday said, leaning back so the plaster wouldnt make it to her face.

"Wednesday, stop making it hard for me and let me put it on!" Enid said, leaning forward to put it on her. Wednesday bit the inside of her cheek. "Enid, let it heal by itself."

"It would heal faster if you just put the plaster on, Wends. Also werewolf nails are like super weird. They can have so much bacteria in. Them!" Enid protested, finally putting the plaster on her. "You're so annoying." Wednesday mumbled, flattening the plaster.

"You love it." Enid whispered teasingly before kissing the plaster on Wednesdays cheek. Wednesday rolled her eyes. "Admit it." Enid said, smirking knowingly.

"I do not." Wednesday protested, trying to get herself moved from under Enid. Enid stopped her. "Then what do you love about me?" Enid asked, looking down at Wednesday. "I thought i gave you all the reasons when i confessed." Wednesday said, pushing Enid off of her. Enid let Wednesday sit on the bed. Enid sat beside her, facing Wednesday. "Was the 'annoying laugh' one?" Enid asked with a raised eyebrow. Wednesdays face turned slightly pink.

"Yes. It was. I do find your annoyingness attractive at times." Wednesday admitted. Enid grinned widely, kissing Wednesdays forehead. "You're so adorable!" Enid exclaimed. "Im tired." Wednesday said, lying down on her bed. She left some room for Enid, an indication for her to join her. Wednesday felt the bed dip. She was lying down in her normal position, as if she was dead in a casket. Her arms splayed over her chest.

Enid hugged Wednesday over her arms, her leg resting on Wednesdays thigh. "Goodnight you crazy idiot." Enid said, snuggling her face into Wednesdays neck.

"Night,you colourful mess."

969 words

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