And thats the way i love you!

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I wanted to use this song for another title but i can use it for both 😊😊

Btw this is very cringy/love dovey/cute and very uncharacteristic but i wrote this everytime i need to weite tooth rotting fluff!

"I love you." Wednesday whispered quietly.

They were sitting in bed, together, both doing their separate things.

Which wasnt an inconvenient time to say 'i love you' for the first time, but it also wasnt the best.

Enid looked away from her phone, her eyes wide and her hands involuntarily jerking every now and then. "What did you say?" Enid whispered, scared she might scare Wednesday off.

Wednesday cleared her throat, her attention still on the book in her hands. "You heard me." Wednesday spoke at a normal volume. Her face still stoic and void of emotion.

Enid wanted to cry.

Happy tears, of course.

Enid was the first to say "i love you" to Wednesday- their 6th or 7th date in a little picnic.

It was actually Wednesdays idea to go out that day.

Enid spoke it in a whisper, just like Wednesdays, but it was much more confident.

She watched as Wednesday stared at the stars, pointing out different constellations and shapes in the sky. Enid didnt bother look at them, caught up in Wednesdays sharp and perfect features.

Enid was surprised when Wednesday turned her head toward her and smiled, a light, barely noticeable one, but it was a smile.

A smile that showed the lightest indent in her cheeks, showing only a little of her dimples.

A smile that made her eyes squint the smallest amount.

A smile that was oh-so delicate, but oh-so real.

A smile, even though small, made Enid smile wider and brighter than hers.

They stared at eachother, Wednesdays face conveyed the same interest she had in the stars. Like she found Enid just as interesting- maybe she even did.

Enid giggled lightly, shaking her head.

Wednesday tilted her head to the side, but her smile didnt falter- maybe even grew a little wider.

"What?" She asked softly.

"Nothing, its nothing. I dont even know why im laughing." Enid spoke just as softly.

Wednesday huffed a single puff of laughter, which surprised Enid as much as the smile did, but she refused to show her the surprise, instead replacing it with a few more giggles.

She stopped after a while, enjoying the silence.

She looked up at stars, then, at the same time as Wednesday, looked back at the girl next to her.

She smiled softly at Wednesday, who smiled back.

"I love you." Enid finally whispered.

Honestly, it just slipped out.

But it wasnt a lie.

She did love Wednesday.

Wednesdays eyes widened a little, before returning to her normal size.

"That...that isnt a 'say it back' thing- if you dont want to, you dont have to say it. I just wanted you to know the love that i have for you." Enid reassured.

Wednesday smiled that faint smile once more, moving her hand to slowly move to Enids and held it lightly.

"Thank you." She whispered quietly.

Enid smiled and nodded happily. "Of course."

But right now?

In bed, in silence, doing nothing.

It seemed even more perfect then the moment Enid said it.

"I love you." Wednesday said slightly more confidently.

Enid grinned, climbing over her girlfriends lap.

"Seriously?" She asked, jokingly.

Wednesday rolled her eyes, looking up at Enid.

"I would never lie about such things." She admitted.

"I mean, seeing as it took you 7 months to sayyy..." Enid teased.

"Take the win, Enid." Wednesday spoke with narrowed eyes, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Enid giggled slightly, leaning closer to Wednesdays lips. "I love you too, my love." She whispered before she placed a small kiss to Wednesdays lips.


Short cute fluff fic

Only 651 words but held a lot of love that made me want to vomit 😭😭

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