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Enid awoke from her midday nap to shouting. "Enid! Youve got a letter written to you again!" She heard her mother shout, sliding the envelope under her door.

Enid smiled and yawned, knowing exactly who its from.


Enid got up fast, excited to see what the girl would talk about today.

She swiftly sat back onto her bed once she picked up the letter. She opened the envelope slowly, making sure not to damage the actual paper.

 She opened the envelope slowly, making sure not to damage the actual paper

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Enid smiled as she slowly read every word with the voice of Wednesday.

Then she read "sucked into the timeless, useless void called a mobile phone." Enids eyebrows raised to her hairline. Wednesday has a phone.

She quickly read the rest of the letter, grinning at the fact Wednesday wanted Enid to have her phone number.

She hadnt even gotten changed yet,or even brushed her teeth and showered, but she was already at her desk writing a response.

She sloppily wrote, not even caring about how terrible it mustve looked.

What? She just woke up!

Wednesday POV:

"Wednesday, dear, there is a post written to your name again. You ought to find better ways to talk to your friends." Wednesdays mother said, walking into the room and placing the letter on Wednesdays desk. Wednesday nodded.

"That has been sorted, i hope." Wednesday said, taking the piece of paper off the desk. She watched as her mother hummed and walked out the room, respectfully closing the door behind her.

She opened the letter, almost excited to see the other girls terrible handwriting and bubbly personality written all on one small paper.

She opened the letter, almost excited to see the other girls terrible handwriting and bubbly personality written all on one small paper

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(Definitely ugly because she was sleepy, not the authors terrible handwriting- ITS HARD WRITING WITH YOUR FINGER!!!)

Wednesday blushed a little at the obviously flirtatious behaviour and the unnecessary hearts dotting the points on the explanation marks. Nevertheless, she opened her phone and attempted to add Enids number.

It took her a while, but she got there in the end.

She started typing.... (Btw, Enid did brush and shower)

Wednesday pressed said button, raising her eyebrows when she found Enids face on her screen

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Wednesday pressed said button, raising her eyebrows when she found Enids face on her screen. Enid smiled widely and waved.

"Eek!! Its been so long since ive seen your deadly but cute glare!!" Enid squealed excitedly.

Wednesday hummed, trying to figure out how to control the camera. She slowly got the hang of it once she remembered how Uncle Fester used to force her to record buildings going up in flames.

Wednesday nodded proudly once she set the camera down so Enid could see her face and top half. Enid waited for Wednesday to respond.

"Hello, Enid. Im happy you found my letters, i was quite bored in these multiple weeks off. I suppose your company was appreciated." Wednesday said, watching as Enid grinned happily.

"Youre so cute! You missed me that much??" She said, giggling childishly afterwards. Wednesday sighed.

"Also, Weds,in your letter you said texting would save the planet. I just want to make sure you know that the internet also has an impact on climate change and global warming..." Enid said in a matter-o-factly manner.

Wednesday raised an eyebrow. "Look who decided to be smart." Wednesday said almost teasingly. Enid smirked and rested her head in the palm of her hand. "Im always smart!" Enid said.

Wednesday raised an eyebrow, but decided to ignore the false statement.

"Anyway, i do understand that the internet is also a...."

They spoke for a while, until it was 7,8,9 and then 10.

God knows what they talked about.

Just straight nonsense. But they both enjoyed it. They almost forgot their meals, which was brought to them by their parents, or on Enids end one of her many brothers.

"Okay, Weds. im gonna go, im starting to get tired. Text you in the morning?" Enid asked hopefully.

"Unless i die." Wednesday said.

Enid laughed before she picked up her phone. "Good night, weds."

"Disgusting dreams, Enid." Wednesday said as she watched Enids face disappear from her screen.

A small, barely noticeable smile coated her face.

"Are you done talking to your lover, my little viper? Its almost time to go asleep." Wednesdays dad, Gomez said as he knocked on the door.

Wednesdays smile disappeared. "Yes, father. And, you must know Enid is not my lover. She is barely a friend of mine." Wednesday said, picking up her phone.

A text reading "goodnight,Weds <3" appeared on her screen.

Wednesdays heart jumped. Once Enid explained what '<3' meant, she finally understood why it was in most of Enids letters.

She said it was meant to represent a heart.

Wednesday racked her brain on how to respond.

"You too, Enid. -W.A🖤"  she responded.

An hour on the call was Enid explaining how to use the little pictures called emojis, explaining how the crying emoji is meant for laughing and not for someone screaming in agony.

She still didnt understand, but it was enough to know that Enid wasnt actually crying when she used the crying face picture.

"Okay, Wednesday. Im going to go sleep now, terrible nightmares." Her father called out, footsteps sounding outside her door.

"You too, Father." She shouted out as he left.


Ok thats all, tell me if you enjoy lovelies 😘❤️

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