Youre the one that i adore!

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(Ngl i forgot what the song title is because i forgot to write it when i wrote this story 😓)

The teacher went on and on about how the traffic made her late. In the meantime, Enid snuck into the classroom;
"Hey Wends." Enid whispered with a small smile on her face as she quietly approached her girlfriend .Wednesday looked toward the beaming girl, giving her a small nod before turning back to the teacher.

Enid sat next to her, ignoring the fact that it was Xaviers seat. So what? He wasnt even in class today anyway. Wednesday turned her head toward Enid, raising her eyebrow ever so slightly.

"He wouldnt mind." Enid said with a small chuckle and wink. Wednesday didnt respond, just turned to the book infront of her and started copying down the short bullet points written on the board. "Someones in a bad mood." Enid said with a teasing tone. She stretched her neck so she could give her girlfriend a small kiss on her cheek.

Wednesdays cheeks tinted a light red, her eyes still focused on the book. "Aw dont ignore me!" Enid said with a fake frown, her head resting on the palm of her hand. She made her elbow slide closer to Wednesday. "Who made my poor little girlfriend sad?" Enid asked teasingly.

"Focus on the lesson." Wednesdays simply said. Enid scoffed. "You know i dont even focus in general babycakes." She said with a small chuckle. Wednesday grimaced at the overly cute nickname. "Come on, tell me whats wrong." Enid urged.

"Nothing." Wednesday said, a tint of frustration in her voice. Enid raised an eyebrow. "Did i do something to piss you off?" Enid asked, more seriously. Wednesday turned toward Enid. "No." Wednesday said reassuringly-well, she still had the same gloomy tone lacing her voice, but you could tell there was some sincerity in there somewhere.

Wednesday did a quick scan of the room before giving Enid a small peck on her frowning lips.

Enid beamed as she held in a laugh. The fact that Wednesday had to look around before kissing her was very intriguing to her. "Can you please tell me why youre in such a bad mood?" Enid asked in a pleading tone.

Wednesday sighed. "Enid Sinclair, i am fine. I just didnt get my full 8 hours of sleep today."

Enid smiled understandingly, nodding her head. "Okay, would you like to go to the dorm to get some rest?" Enid asked with a small tilt of her head.

Wednesday shook her head. "Upcoming tests. I need the notes."

"I will get Yoko to copy them down. I will stay in the dorm with you. Besides, you wont be able to concentrate if youre sleep deprived." Enid explained. Wednesday sighed.

Enid got up with a loud scrape of her chair, holding her hand out. "You dont have to be so dramatic about it." Wednesday mumbled, hesitantly grabbing Enids hand. Enid rolled her eyes. "I always have to make my dramatic exit." Enid stated, walking out of the class. She gave Yoko a look, telling her to give her the notes and tell the teacher that they left. Yoko gave a simple thumbs up.


"You cant have made me drag you to the dorm and then just not fall a sleep." Enid said with a groan as Wednesday laid on her back with her eyes wide open. Wednesday shrugged. "I dont understand, i was fighting the urge to sleep in class." Wednesday said with a small frown. Enid scoffed intentionally. "Its no big deal." Enid said with a smile. She scooted her chair more forward so she was closer to the bed Wednesday lay on.

"What normally helps you sleep?" Enid asked thoughtfully.

"Dead silence." Wednesday said.

Enid rolled her eyes. "Your gloominess is not good for my colourful little brain." Enid exclaimed jokingly.

"The little part is correct." Wednesday mumbled.

Enid gasped dramatically. "That is no way to talk to your girlfriend!" Enid exclaimed sarcastically. Wednesday smirked the tinniest bit, almost not even noticeable. "Apologies." She said in a fake apologetic tone. Enid smiled. "I guess i could forgive you." She said jokingly, leaning down to kiss Wednesday on her forehead. Wednesday hummed.

Enid raised an eyebrow. "What? Is that a bad reaction?" Enid asked nervously.

"No. Do that more, you have warm lips." Wednesday mumbled tiredly. Enid smirked and laughed. "Warm lips? Thats just normal blood circulation." Enid said. Wednesday gave her a look.

"Im glad to hear you understand basic science about the human body, but im not in the mood for a science lesson right now." Wednesday said with a roll of her eyes.

Enid scoffed and kissed Wednesdays forehead again. "Better?" She asked against Wednesdays forehead.

"Hm." Wednesday started "i could use a little more heat. Your body heat could make me warm enough." Wednesday implied smoothly.

Enid raised an eyebrow with a sly look. "What happened to 'i dont want a science lesson' hm?" Enid asked with a small smirk. Wednesday sighed and moved toward the edge of the bed.

"Dont annoy me." Wednesday demanded.

Enid jutted her lips out mockingly. "But thats my speciality!"

Wednesday turned her lips in disgust. "Thats the only thing youre good at."

"Annoying you?" Enid asked with a confused tilt of her head.

Wednesday nodded slightly. "Then my body heat wont do you any help then!" Enid exclaimed, slowly getting off the chair. Wednesdays hand flew to Enids knee, forcing Enid to stop moving.

"I swear to the devil if you dont come onto this bed right now..." Wednesday threatened.

"With that attitud-"

"Enid." Wednesday pressed harder on her knee.

"Okay okay! I didnt know you would be so needy!" Enid said with a small chuckle as she climbed onto the bed. Wednesday rolled her eyes as she watched Enid get comfortable. Enid shot a warm smile at Wednesday before she threw her arm around her. Wednesday closed her eyes with a sigh that screamed 'finally.'

Enid was being really stubborn, and she just didnt know why. But in the end, she still go what she wanted....sleep.

1020 words (this is dogshit but im not bothered to write + i didnt proofread)

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