Youre the star i look for every night!

910 12 33

Song name: compass


Everyday since Wednesday and Enid had that small talk on the balcony after cello, they would go out at the exact same time and just stand there.

Stand there, staring at the moon and constellations around it.

Most of the time- almost all the time- it was silent. Just a couple- "that looks like a ____" from Enid and a couple of "hm, i agree."s or "no, i think it looks more like a ___" from Wednesday.

It was a comfortable silence, however. It was never awkward. Just a nice, calming silence.

However, their daily stargazing routine has faltered once Enid had guests over. Her entire friend group, minus the boys.

The only person she somewhat tolerated in her friend group was Yoko, but that was because Enid convinced her they werent dating. That was confirmed once she met Divina. Divina was....also tolerable. She didnt speak much to her, which was a good thing.

And, she can also say that Bianca wasnt half bad. After the whole hyde situation, they have gotten closer through fencing.

But, that doesnt mean Wednesday would count her as a friend.

In fact, she counted no-one as a friend.

Okay,glitter gun to her head, she would count Enid as a...friend.

She wouldnt like calling her that, even though she has admitted to Enid that she counted her as a friend, it was quite weird counting her as a friend.

A few knocks took her out of her thoughts. She looked over to Enid, who was grinning from ear-to-ear.

She could never understand being so happy to see someone.

Well, she couldnt understand why someone would be happy in the first place.

"Eeek!! You guys, Wednesday agreed to staying in the dorm this time!!!" Enid squealed loudly.

The trio walked into the dorm, talking amongst themselves. Enid smiled at Wednesday and motioned for her to join them with her hand. Wednesday gave her a disgusted turn of her lips in return. Enid tilted her head and jutted her lip out sadly.

Wednesday rolled her eyes, covering her face with her book.

She heard footsteps getting louder and louder, until they stopped in front if her. Wednesday looked up.

Obviously its Enid.

Behind her were the three other girls sitting on Enids bed, getting ready for what seems like a movie. She looked back at Enid, who had her hands behind her back and a hopeful look on her face.

"Please?" She asked in a high pitched voice.

Wednesday bit the inside if her cheek.

For fucks sakes..

Wednesday silently put the book down, getting out of bed. She walked closer to Enid, inches away from her. "Tomorrow, we are going to make up for the balcony time we missed." Wednesday whispered, so close that Enid thought she was talking normally. Enid blushed hard and smiled.

"Right, double the time!" She whispered back enthusiastically, smiling widely. Wednesday sighed tiredly.

She paused, the both of them not moving. They both just stared into each others eyes.

Enid is the girl that i want to kiss...Where stories live. Discover now