Ocean blue eyes,looking in mine.

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Song title:gorgeous



"Stop doing...that."

"Doing what, Wen?"


"Oh! Sorry-i-you know i just- i thought you couldnt notice haha."


A few seconds pass. That feeling. Again.

"Youre doing it again."

Enid squeaked before she looked away.

Wednesday waited a few seconds, hands hovering over her typewriter.




The same feeling. That feeling you get when someones staring at you.

"Sinclair, is there something on my back?"

"N-no sorry!"

Wednesday didnt let it slide this time. She got up and faced Enid. She was on Wednesdays bed, she was meant to be doing her nails but with her eyes on Wednesday, she supposed she hadn't had any process. Wednesday sat down on her bed.

"Sorry-im cutting into your writin-"

"Shush. Tell me why youre so distracted." Wednesday looked down at Enids hands that were shaking and red. "Do you need help? Did you hurt your hand or wrist?" Wednesday took Enids wrist lightly turning it to check for injuries.

"W-wends! What are-"

"Nothing seems to be injured. Tell me, what is it."

"Willa, can i kiss you?"





"Sorry, it was a stupid request." Enid chuckled nervously.

"Was that all? Sinclair, correct me if im wrong but, im sure kissing and all that other disgusting love stuff is normal in a relationship,no?"

"Well it is but,you know, its...well-you! Wednesday Addams! The girl who hates physical contact?!"

"Not you, cara mia."

Wednesday shuffled towards Enid, leaning into a kiss.

"Wednesday" Enid said breathlessly.


"....you dont have to.."

"You think an Addams would feel forced to do something?"

Before Enid could answer, her mouth was shut with Wednesdays lips. The words she was about to say disappeared, turning into muffled sounds against her partner. Enid placed her hand on wednesdays neck, her other one glued to the bed,supporting them both. Wednesday climbed ontop of Enid for better access. This action pushed Enid onto the bed, forcing her to be propped up by her elbow.

They broke the kiss, both of them needing oxygen.

"I love you, Wednesday."

Wednesday hesitated, her eyes wide, looking down at her girlfriend.

"You dont have to say it back!"

"I love you too, cara mia."

Enid grinned before she planted pecks all over wednesdays face. Enid wrapped her arms around Wednesdays waist, pulling her closer. She gave one last kiss to Wednesday's forehead before snuggling her face into Wednesdays neck.

"Sinclair, i have more writing and i have cello practice."


"That means i need to go, so dont get too-"

"You can do them laterrr, pleasee?" Enid begged into her neck.

Wednesday sighed. "How do i get anything done when youre around?"

Enid giggled and snuggled closer into Wednesdays neck.

(Wednesday did NOT get any of the cello and writing done because they both fell asleep 😭) also this was rlly short- which i hope isnt a bad thing?? Sorry i promise after like 3-4 of the bad ones i would post the good ones 😭☹️

480 words🍤🤏

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