Stars around my scars. <3

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Song title:cardigian

Wednesday looked towards the opening door. Enid had went out for the day, promising to come back at 4. Its almost 3:30, so its unusual for her to come early.

"You're early, Sinclair."

"Haha...about that..."

Wednesday looked at the girl, her trousers slightly ripped on one knee and her forehead was slightly scratched , blood seeping through.

Wednesday got up from her place. She walked over to Enid. She placed a hand on Enids elbow hesitantly.

"Who the fuck did this to you." Wednesday asked, clearly angry.

"Ah, Willa calm down! I fell down on the stairs when coming here." Enid chuckled embarrassingly.

Wednesday observed her for a moment. No fidgeting, stuttering or nervous facial expressions. Shes not lying.

"Go sit on one of our beds. Also, pull up your trousers. I would be with you in a moment." She walked toward the bathroom,opening the door and disappearing inside, not leaving any room for Enid to argue.

A few moments later, Wednesday finds Enid sitting the bed and her trousers pulled up to her thigh. Wednesday had a first aid kit in her hand. "Im guessing it would heal faster as youre a werewolf?"

Enid nodded. Wednesday opened the kit and got on her knees. Enid watched her take out some wipes and a couple of plasters, placing them neatly on the bed before she closed the kit and put it aside.

Wednesday opened the whipper packet, taking one of the wipes out. "This might burn, but its necessary."
Enids face turned into worry. "It doesnt hurt that much, Sinclair. Only a little burn for a few seconds. You can handle it." Enid nodded. Wednesday placed the wipe on her knee, slowly rubbing it were the blood and cut is. Enid groaned a little, her head flying back, an attempt to stop her tears from falling.

"Its done, are you okay?" Enid nodded, smiling down at the girl. "It wasnt even that bad, i just like to hear you be concerned for me." Enid smirked. Wednesday rolled her eyes. She opened one of the multiple plasters and placed it ontop of the main cut. She then opened another one, doing the same to another cut. "There. The other scratches wouldnt harm you." She got up. "Now i need to fix your forehead." She looked down. "Go backwards." Enid obeyed almost immediately. Wednesday sat ontop of her, her knees on either side of Enids thighs.

"There. Comfortable?"

Enid nodded, her face painted a pink blush. "I wouldnt move if you werent anyway." She retorted as she opened another wipe, wiping the surface after another warning. Enid held onto Wednesdays hips tightly, the burning worse then the one on her knee. "Ouch, whys this one worse?!" Enid complained as the burning calmed down. "This cut seems to be deeper. How did this be caused by a fall?" Wednesday asked sceptically. "I think the fall just re-opened the cuts from our hyde fight." Wednesday hummed, understanding now.

"Interesting. Well, this cut doesnt seem to need stitches. This should be the same process as i did on the knee, except i might need to take away some of the blood that is dripping down your face." Enid could see out the corner of her eye the blood oozing out of the cut. Wednesday grabbed a tissue of the desk next to them. She dabbed the blood of her skin before dabbing the cut directly. "Ouch, Wednesday!"

"Apologies." Wednesday said before she put down the blood infested tissue, opening another wipe. She wiped the cut clean, no blood in sight. She picked up a bigger plaster, opening it and placing it neatly onto the scar.

"Thank you for co-operating so well." Wednesday kissed the plaster on Enids forehead. "Mother used to believe a kiss would make wounds and cuts heal faster. I, obviously, didn't and dont believe the myth, but it wouldn't hurt to try." Enid gave Wednesday a soft smile.

"Youre adorable." Enid said, giving wednesday a kiss on the cheek before she gave her another kiss on her lips.

"Im not." Wednesday answered after the kiss.

"You are!" Enid teased, squeezing Wednesdays cheeks.

"Ew, stop."

"Awwweee! You cant say this cute little face isnt adorable!"

"I can."

"You'd be wrong!"

"No i wouldnt."

"Yes you would!"

"You are adorable, i am torturous."

"You think im adorable?"

"Well..." she sighed. "Shut it."





"For the record, i think You're torturous. But you're also adorable"

"And you're insufferable."

"But you love it."

"....i do."

Enid just smirked in response, kissing Wednesday on this lips lightly before sighing and resting her head on the pillow behind her.

"So. Why were you out all day?" Wednesday asked curiously.

"Yoko wanted to get something for her girlfriend. She wanted my company and advice." Enid said, happily.

"Ah." Wednesday said simply, lying down on top of Enid. Her head laid on Enids chest.

"I got you something too." Enid whispered.

"Really?" Wednesday asked in a soft tone, looking up at Enid.

Enid nodded before she pulled out something from her jean pocket. "Here! Yoko said you would definitely like it!"

Wednesday looked at the small chain bracelet. She took it in her hand to examine it. It was a chain bracelet but had a small black circle with a gold ring around it. The circles traveled around the whole chain. It was really pretty.

"Extravagant." Wednesday simply said, opening the jewellery to put it on.

"Really?" Enid asked, her eyes wide and mouth split into a wide grin. Wednesday gave her a single nod as she looked at the bracelet attached to her wrist.

"I adore it." Wednesday admitted.

"I adore you." Enid whispered, her eyes glued to Wednesdays.

Wednesday looked up at Enid blue eyes. "I adore you more than i adore the jewellery piece." Wednesday said whole-heartedly.

Enid smiled and nodded. "I know." She said softly.

She knew Wednesday loved her. And she knew she herself loved Wednesday.

She loves knowing that they loved eachother.

1004 words 😦😦😦

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