That girl is mine.

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Song title: That boy is mine.

This is a diner AU because-why not 🤭slightly in Enids pov? But not really? You would understand when you start reading 😭

Also since its an AU they are slightly out of character, sorry :((

"Why am i here again?" Enid mumbled to herself as everyone in the table chattered and acted idiotic. "Right." She looked at Ajax, who was staring right back at her lovingly. Ew. "What are you guys ordering?" Enid asked, looking up at the rest of the boys. They continued talking.

She rolled her eyes and sighed, covering her face from Ajax with the menu. "That waiter is so fine." She heard Tyler say. Enid rolled her eyes, still deciding what to get. "Woah, shes hot." Xavier responded.

"Afternoon, have you guys decided on your orders?" A monotone, no joy voice asked. Enid looked up from her menu to see a woman. A gorgeous,breathtaking woman. Wow, could she kill people with that deadly look. Luscious braids falling off her shoulders. The apron around her waist made her body curved and perfect. She was perfect. The tag on her chest read 'Wednesday." In a smooth, cursive handwriting.

One of her arms held a small notebook and- wait- shes waiting for one of them to talk- shit. "Could i take you as an order?" Tyler beat her to ordering. Well-he wasnt really ordering, more like a poor attempt of seducing the waitress. Did he really think he could seduce the beautiful woman with his terrifying looks?

Wednesday darted her eyes to Tyler,not turning her head. "No. I am not an object or a food item. To think that you would have to be sexist or terrible at flirting. If it was in a sexist way, have some respect." She stated with a disgusted scowl. Enid grinned, joy radiated off of her with the thought of the waitress humbling the boy.

Wednesday looked toward Enid. "You order first. These men are disgraceful." Enid panicked before nodding, not sure what would come out of her mouth next.

"Oh, right uh- can-you- can i get uh-" she looked down at the menu nervously. "Uhm..sorry your beauty is distracting me." Enid mumbled with a small chuckle. "Uh...can i get a hot chicken burger with a side of fries?" She asked, looking up at Wednesday.

Her face was slightly pink, contrasting nicely with her usually pale skin. Her eyes were slightly wide and her lips were parted. "would- do you want a drink with that, ma'am?" She asked , her eyes looking down at her notepad as she wrote. "Uh-just a water please." Enid requested with a small smile. Wednesday gave a single nod before turning to the other uncharacteristically quite people on the table.

"And you guys?" She asked with a small hint of disgust. "We would all get the same as her." Ajax said for all of them. Wednesday raised an eyebrow at the scowl on his face. She wrote down on the notepad before turning toward Enid. "Your order would be ready in 10 minutes." As she walked away, she shot a small, almost unnoticeable, wink followed by a smirk at the flustered blonde.

Enids cheeks grew even more red as her hands fumbled with the menu. Wow, having a hot goth waiter flirt with you was definitely worth hanging out with these stupid boys.

Talking about the stupid boys, "I won. She winked at me." Xavier said proudly, leaning back in his seat. Enid was about to correct him before Tyler spoke up. "Nuh-uh, she was looking at me you dickhead." He said, kicking Xaviers foot. Xavier groaned and kicked back at him.

They both went back and forth as Eugene tried to calm them down. Enid looked toward Ajax, who was having a strange staring competition with Wednesday. It seemed like he knew who she winked at.

Noticing how Wednesday was literally unblinking all the time, she was interested in how long Ajax would last. She looked at Wednesday, who was confused but up for the challenge. Enid sighed, turning on her phone. She started to play offline games as the whole table turned into chaos.

Xavier and Tyler kicking each other back and forth, Ajax and the waiter shooting glares at each other and Eugene trying to calm the two bickering boys.

After a few minutes, Wednesday came back as promised with five of the same dishes. "I would bring the drinks in a little while." She said, placing the dishes down on the table. Her eyes never left Enids face, her own eyes cocky and flirty.

Wednesday left,returning with the drinks. She placed the drinks in the middle of the table. She turned toward Enid and bent down, making sure everyone saw but only Enid could hear her words.

"Napkins." She whispered. One word. One word but with so much meaning. Enids throat hitched in her throat as she went to pick up her napkin. On the bottom, it read a number. Most likely the waiters...hopefully..!

Wednesday walked backward as she walked away. She lifted her hand to her ear, her thumb and pinky sticking out. She shook her hand lightly as she mouthed the words 'call me' before turning around and walking away.

Enid looked back at the napkin in her hand, shocked that she managed to get the number off the hottest girl she has laid her eyes on.

The boys shocked chatter sounded in the background as she smirked at the numbers written on the napkin. She got her number. SHE got HER number! She folded the napkin and placed it safely in her pocket. "Can you guys start eating so we can leave this place? You guys need lessons on flirting." Enid mumbled as she picked up her burger.

"You didnt even flirt!" Tyler complained with a frown.

Enid smiled smugly. "Mmmhmm! Im just that irresistible!" Enid said jokingly. But Enid was also surprised by how Wednesday chose her. Talking about Wednesday, she was walking toward the table right now.

"I just wanted to inform you that i am not into boys." She looked down at Enid. "And that i am into girls." She said, looking directly at the blonde. Enids face flushed, her eyes widened slightly. She managed to get the goths number.

She wasnt even playing, but she still won.

Enid Sinclair won.




Not that Wednesday was an object or food item!!!

1057 words 😋🦋😋

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