Snap out of it! Part 3.

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Enid has been driving Wednesday mad. Why is she so god damn good at everything Wednesday wanted her to fail at? She drew blood out of Wednesday. She almost killed another werewolf that Wednesday challenged on purpose to see if Enid would defend her. Not only did she defend her, she put the boy in a coma.

Its a miracle shes not expelled yet(or it was Wednesdays threatening) but here she is, eating her breakfast as Wednesday got changed. "You have a day left." Wednesday stated, slipping on her backpack. Enid nodded and grinned happily.

"Yeah! That means i could be yours forever!" Enid exclaimed. Wednesday wanted to feel disgusted by the words. But instead her stomach filled with a unfamiliar warmth. Warmth that was only reserved for Enid.

"We still have a whole 9 hours left of the day." Wednesday stated, getting closer to Enid. Wednesday got as close to Enids face as possible. "Im going to make these 12 hours a living hell." Wednesday whispered. Enid smiled. "Cute." She said simply, moving in to kiss Wednesday. Wednesday stood back up to her normal stance, standing straight as she fixed the straps of her backpack. "Were going to be late. I suggest you hurry before i leave you." Wednesday said, walking toward the door.

"Uh..yeah let me get my bag." Enid said sceptically, grabbing her bag before walking toward Wednesday.


Wednesday and Enid was sitting down in class as the teacher explained the work to the rest of the class. Wednesdays plan to make Enids day the worse is to make sure she gets the most physical contact, but not any kisses or hugs. She would go crazy.

Wednesday placed a hand on Enids shoulder. Enids head snapped to Wednesday, going down to the hand on her shoulder. "What are you doing?" Enid whispered, watching as the hand got higher and higher. It brushed passes her neck and held onto her jaw. "You look very attractive when youre focusing." Wednesday whispered as she pulled her closer. Enid smirked joyfully. "Really?" Enid asked, also leaning in.

When their noses almost touched, Wednesday pulled away. "Oh. I thought my phone buzzed. Apologies." She said. Instead of returning to Enids jaw, her hand picked up the pen and started writing some notes. "What is your plan here, Wends?" Enid asked, also attempting to write notes down. "I dont understand what you mean." Wednesday replied, looking up to look at the words on the board.

"Come on Wends, is your plan to make me so touch deprived i run away? That doesnt make any sense." Enid whispered, copying Wednesdays notes.

"There is no plan, Enid." Wednesday said with a small smirk on her face.

Bell ring

"Do you want to have lunch together?" Enid asked Wednesday, packing her stuff into her bag. Wednesday followed her out the classroom. "Are your friends going to be there?"

Enid smiled hesitantly. "Pleaseee..?" Enid begged, holding onto Wednesdays arm. Wednesday rolled her eyes. "Fine." Wednesday turned her head toward Enid. "And, just so you know, this isnt going to be a daily occurrence." She said. Enid smirked. "Thats fine with me!" Enid exclaimed, moving her hand lower down Wednesdays arm so her hand was meeting Enids.

Wednesday held her hand back, intertwining their fingers together.


"Whaaaaattt?! you got the goth girl to join us?" Yoko said with a smirk on her face. 

"Dont refer to my girlfriend like that Yoks." Enid said, rolling her eyes and sitting down, patting the seat next to her for Wednesday to sit. Wednesday placed her tray down, sitting next to Enid. Enid grinned at her before turning to the rest of the group.

"Any of you talk shit about her, i would claw your eyes out!" Enid said with a smile before she started talking about something irrelevant to Wednesday.

Yoko carried on the conversation. Wednesday nudged Enid. "You haven't even took a bite of your food. Lunch is for eating, not gossiping."

"Leave it to Wednesday to ruin the fun, huh?" Enid said with a smirk. Enid picked up her burger and put it up to her mouth. "What would you do if i didn't eat. Kiss me?" Enid said teasingly.

It was obvious Enid knew about her plan. "I would force it down your gob. You would not want that, so eat." Wednesday said, taking a bite Out of her own burger.

Enid smirked as she put the burger down on her tray. She stared at Wednesday who was chewing with obvious frustration.

She put her burger down and picked Enids up. Enids eyes widened as wednesday opened the wrapper and put it to Enids mouth. "Open. Now." Wednesday demanded.

Enid shook her head, still smiling. Wednesday took her other hand and held onto Enids jaw, forcing Enid to gasp. Wednesday took her opportunity to put the food into her mouth.

Enid muffled a groan into the burger, finally obeying Wednesday. She chewed annoyedly. "How dare you trick me." Enid said after she finished chewing.

"Im sorry querida but you need to eat." Wednesday said.

Enids eyes widened and her face turned bright red.

"Did you just call me querida?!" Enid practically shouted as her knees stood up without asking. Wednesdays own eyes widened slightly. The whole group was staring at Enid. Enid coughed awkwardly before apologising and sitting back down.

"You just called me querida!" Enid whisper yelled. Wednesday furrowed her eyebrows. "Is this a good or bad reaction?" Wednesday asked obliviously.

"Can i please kiss you? Please?" Enid begged, her eyes going wide in a convincing way.

Wednesday leaned closer, an obvious invitation. But when Enid moved closer. When Enid was inches away. Wednesday pulled away. "Wednesdayyyy!" Enid groaned, her lips pouting.

"We dont have much time left of lunch. Finish your food." Wednesday said, picking up her burger. Enid almost let out a frustrated growl.

"Wednesday please!" Enid said. She didnt expect this little challenge to be so hard. For the both of them. Wednesday was fighting the urge to makeout with Enid right there and then.

"Finish you lunch." Wednesday said, taking a bite out of her food.

Enid pouted and picked up her burger. "Paybacks will be a bitch." She said before biting into her burger. The rest of the table was talking about how they had 15 minutes left of lunch. The realisation just hit Enid.

9 hours left. Enid thought to herself. 9 hours until Wednesday was officially hers.

"Im going to the dorm." Enid told Wednesday. Before Enid could move, Wednesday grabbed her arm. "Dont you have a lesson to attend?" Wednesday asked Enid.

Enid shook her head. "Teachers not in. Shes sick, so we can go to the dorm and-" Enid put her arms up, her fingers making air quotes "-'study'" Enid said before trying to walk of again.

"Enid." Wednesday said. Enid turned around. "May i join you?" Wednesday asked with a slight tilt of her head. Enid raised an eyebrow. "It is also your dorm, Wens." Enid said with a small chuckle.

Wednesday gave a single nod...

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