Im just physically obsessed.

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They are friends with LOTS. And i mean LOTS. Of benefits here 😊
Like they flirt and kiss eachother on the cheek/forehead like its normal 😭😭

"Wednesday? Why are you just...staring at me?" Enid asked with raspy voice, yawning right after.

Wednesday was sat, hands crossed on her lap and eyes stayed on Enid as she slept.

"I..was waiting." She said simply.

Enid was too tired to question and turned over so she was facing Wednesday comfortably. She lifted her hand and tapped her index finger on her cheek tiredly.

Wednesday complied, giving Enid a small kiss on the cheek,which made Enid blush as if she hadnt asked for it. "Good morning." Wednesday said, like she normally would after a morning kiss.

Enid laughed. "Good morning to you too, Wednesday" Enid mumbled as she closed her eyes again.

"Dont go back to sleep." Wednesday demanded.

Enid groaned. "Whyyyyyyy?!" Enid complained.

Wednesday rolled her eyes. "Youre going out with your friend-group today." Wednesday reminded her roommate.

Enid groaned. "5 more minutes.." she mumbled sleepily. Wednesday shook her head. She hesitantly placed a hand on Enids cheek, even though she hated initiating contact. "Im coming with you." Wednesday whispered softly.

Enids eyes shoot open. "Youre..what?" She asked surprisedly.

"Im coming with you. We need to go get ready, okay? I want you out of bed by the time i come back to get your coffee. Do you understand?" Wednesday asked rhetorically.

Enid nodded, rolling her eyes. "Yes ma'am." She said mockingly.

Wednesday shook her head disappointedly. "Dont." She said as she walked toward the door.

"I mean it, if youre not out of bed before i come back, i will not be joining you." Wednesday stated before she closed the dorm door behind her.

Enid groaned as she got up.

Stupid little demanding idiot that i somehow have a crush on!


Wednesday arrived back to the dorm to find Enid ready and dressed, hair perfectly straight and makeup done to perfection.

Wednesday raised an eyebrow as she walked closer to Enid.

"Who are you trying to impress with those looks?" She asked jokingly, but no humour was shown as....well, shes Wednesday.

Wednesday handed the coffee cup to Enid, awaiting an answer.

Enid smirked as she took a sip out of the coffee and hummed appreciatively. "Its cute how you know my coffee order off by heart, you know?" Enid said, ignoring the question purposefully.

Wednesday nodded impatiently. "It is. Now, back to my question." Wednesday urged.

"Awe, is my Wednesday jealous?" She pouted mockingly, slouching down in a way to show fake gratitude. "Dont worry, i only dress up for you." Enid replied, getting up to place a small kiss on Wednesdays cheek before she started to walk off.

Wednesday stopped her with a hand wrapped around her forearm, pulling her closer to Wednesday.

Wednesday placed a hand on her waist to stop her crush from falling. "I havent had a kiss all day." Wednesday mumbled, embarrassed to ask for a kiss.

Enid blushed and her eyes widened. Did she mean...? "I-i just kissed you." Enid stuttered out, her mind racing at the close proximity.

Wednesday rolled her eyes. "I mean an actual one, idiot." Wednesday whispered quietly, as if someone was in the room listening. Enid blushed wildly. "On...lips?" She asked hesitantly.

Enid is the girl that i want to kiss...Where stories live. Discover now