She promised she'd be there, when i paint my masterpiece.

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Song:when i paint my masterpiece


Wednesday huffed angrily as Xavier smirked at her smugly. "Are you asking me out?" He asked confidently.

Just for the mission, Wednesday. You can do this. "Yes." She paused.

"However, i am going to bring someone along with me." Wednesday admitted. She didnt trust Xavier to behave when they were alone. He was like an untamed dog.

Speaking of untamed dogs.

"Oh- em- gee! Weds, guess what! Theyre selling your favourite candy-" she paused, stuffing her hands in her pocket to dig out said candy.

Xavier scoffed. "Candy? Wednesday doesnt like sweet stuff."

Enid looked up and frowned. "Oh, i didnt see you. Anyways, she does iffff..." she stuck her tongue out in concentration as she messed around with the candy in her pocket, trying to find the specific one.

Wednesday couldnt help but smirk, crossing her arms, awaiting Enids presentation.

She finally pulled out the black candy.

"Ta-da!" She exclaimed, holding out small, black liquorice pieces. Wednesday hummed. "Thank you, Enid. That was very thoughtful of you." She picked up the candy.

Xavier opened his mouth, confused. "Enid will be joining us." Wednesday said, popping a small, bitter, black candy into her mouth. Xavier nodded slowly, angry looking.

"I didnt think youd want Enid to third wheel our date." Xavier said. Wednesday scoffed. "For sure." She said before walking away, Enid quickly following as she popped her own candy into her mouth.


"So, i then sketch the-"

"Look, Weds! I drew us!" Enid exclaimed happily, her eyes wide with excite.

Wednesday looked in her direction. "Thats really good, Enid. However, i dont understand why i am smiling."

Enid hummed. "Maybe i just wanted to see you smile since you dont in real life!" Enid giggled rather cutely, her hands pulling Wednesdays cheeks to form a forced smile.

Wednesday blinked, her cheeks growing red under Enids fingers. " i was saying, i then sketch a circle to make the foundations of a head shape." Xavier explained, narrowing his eyes at Enid.

Enid stared at the canvas. "Whats the point of that if you can free hand?" She let go of Wednesdays cheeks and held onto her right hand that gripped the charcoal pencil, guiding it to the canvas to draw a rough face shape that didnt need any guide lines.

Wednesday blushed harder. She swallowed. "I understand now, Enid. Thank you.." she mumbled out, her eyes looking down embarrassedly.

Enid grinned. "No problemo, Weds!" She exclaimed, letting go of Wednesdays hand to return to her canvas. "Im going to change your face to your cute little glare." Enid admitted as she painted over the face of Wednesdays drawing.

Wednesday huffed. "Its not cute."

"Is so."

"Is not."

"It is!"

"It is no-"

"Okay, thats enough. Wednesday, i thought this was a date between us two, not you and Enid." He huffed out in jealously.

Enid tilted her head. "You two? On a date?" She looked at Wednesday.

Wednesday shrugged. "I said i wanted to learn how to draw. No one mentioned dates." She said innocently.

Xavier blinked once. "When i asked if you were asking me out, you said yes."

"Yes to asking you to help me draw. It seems we mustve miscommunicated." Wednesday said.

Xavier sighed. "So..can i ask you on a real date now?" He asked hopefully.

Wednesday blinked once, twice, three times.

Enid noticed the silence and spoke up. "Ah, shes actually not free this week! Fencing, cello, writing, and then hanging out with me! If you really like her, shouldnt you know her schedule?"

Xavier rolled his eyes. "No, because im not a creep." He huffed out angrily.

Enid tilted her head. "Are you mad at me?" She asked with a sad frown.

Xavier growled. "What do you think?! You ruined my date, took over my talent, flirted with her, made me third-wheel my OWN DATE and youre asking ME if im MAD?!" He shouted.

Enid took a step back instantly. "Im so so sor-"

"No. No youre not." Wednesday was fuming. She stepped in front of Enid. "How dare you talk to Enid like that? Were you the one who wolfed out just for me to save me from my crazy ex lover? Were you the one who held me through the night as i finally cried out all my worries? Were you the one who comforted me through my best and worst times? No. Enid would always be above you, always above anyone. You are not special to me in any way. You are just some boy who has some weird obsession with me which is way more creepier than knowing my schedule. If you insult my Enid once more, i would gut you out, decapitate your helpless little body and burn then one by one. Maybe ill even give a small piece to Enids wolf to eat. Do you understand, Xavier?" Wednesday spoke furiously.

Xavier swallowed nervously as he nodded.

"Thats what i thought." Wednesday mumbled before turning toward Enid. "I apologise for his behaviour." She softly brushed her pinkie against Enids own. "Youre perfect, ignore whatever he said, okay?" She said reassuringly.

Enid smiled softly as she nodded, intertwining their hands. "Also, this was never a date, Xavier. Dont call me your date ever again." Wednesday finalised before she walked out with Enids hand in hers.


Guys i actually have lost sm motivation for everything like i only write at night to keep my mind creative but everything i write is so repetitive. Maybe if i find something i like to write, it would be easier. Any suggestions that end in happy endings and would be interesting to write?

936 words

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