Im inlove with the way you hate me.

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Song title:hate me

Enid stomped over to Wednesday. "What the fuck?!" The shouted at Wednesday. Wednesday was peacefully sitting down at one of the lunch tables, reading a book. Enid was furious for some unknown reason.

Wednesday raised her eyebrows, an indication for Enid elaborate. "Fucking hell Wednesday, i thought we where actually getting along, but you had to go and fuck it up!" Enid almost shouted angrily. "What did i do, Enid." Wednesday asked impatiently. Enid turned impossibly redder. "You know what you did, asshole." Enid gritted,frustrated. "I certainly do not." Wednesday said, surprised by how angry Enid really was.

"My nail polish?! Its shattered all over my side of the dorms floor! Thing told me you probably did it, which i believe as you fucking hate me! What is your problem with me?! First your threatening me, then your telling me i 'left a mark on you that is indelible', then your fucking smashing my things on the floor! Tell me Wednesday, what kind of shit are you pulling?!" Enid said. The lunch hall was louder than her, so only a few eyes where on them.

"Enid. I think you need some time to yourself. Ill be taking my leave." Wednesday got up. Enid glared at her. "Sit.back.down." Enid said, emphasising every word. Wednesday raised her eyebrows. "And why would i listen to you?" Wednesday challenged. Enids hands turned into fists. Her fangs and claws took over her teeth and nails.

"Because you obviously did something wrong so cant you just listen for once?!" Enids temper was through the roofs at this point, and many people noticed Enids outburst now. Wednesday knew Enid was going to regret having this tantrum in front of everyone. But that isnt why she took them away.

"Enid. Breathe. Lets go back to the dorm to see what i did." Wednesday said. Enid seemed to get more angry, getting told to breathe by the person who made her angry was not very calming. "Why would you-" "Enid. Now." Wednesday said, her tone shifting into a 'you-don't-have-a-choice" voice. Enid looked around her, finally noticing everyones eyes on her. She sighed through gritted teeth before grabbing Wednesday and pulling her out of the cafeteria.


Wednesday stared at the different nail polish colours scattered in splatters on the floor. They seemed to have fell of the table, or someone might have accidentally pushed it off. "Seems like whoever did it seemed to do it on accident." Wednesday said. Enid stared at her with her jaw clenched.

"That fucking 'whoever' was obviously you! Who else is in this dorm?!" Enid said. "Thing." Wednesday said calmly. Thing jumped onto Wednesdays shoulder at the mention of his name. "Thing wouldn't do that!" Enid defended. "I said accidentally. He probably didn't mean to do it." Thing perched silently on Wednesdays shoulder. Enid looked at thing. "Well? Was it you?" Enid asked accusingly. Thing tapped nervously on Wednesdays shoulder.

"Shes not going to kill you. But i might because you took away my reading time." Wednesday said. Thing tapped a guilty 'it was me'. Enids face softened, guilt washing over her face. " sorry Wednesday for blaming you! Please forgive me! I even embarrassed you in front of the whole school oh em gee im so sorry!" She put a hand over her mouth. "Wait, please Dont be mad at me me..!" Enid said worriedly. "No. Im not mad. Im quite impressed on how you handled your anger. If someone broke my typewriter the whole school would be burnt to the ground." Wednesday said tiredly.

Enid laughed nervously. "' going to clean this up." Enid said. "I'll help. Only because i dont want you whining like an injured dog that you got a small piece of glass in your finger." Wednesday reassured, even-though not even Wednesday believed herself. "Mhmmm..." Enid hummed sceptically. Wednesday took two pairs of plastic gloves out of her drawer. "Catch." She announced before throwing a pair to Enid. Enid caught it effortlessly, putting both of them on.

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