I need song suggestions (still a chapter)

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Anyway, prompt!!:

Thank you @W3ncla1r1sg4y for the suggestion 🫶🏽🫶🏽

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Thank you @W3ncla1r1sg4y for the suggestion 🫶🏽🫶🏽

Changing this up a bit, Wednesday and Enid are gfs but no one knows yet.



"Okay, bye Weds! Im going out with AJ!" Enid shouted as she did some finishing touches kn her makeup.

Wednesday spun her chair around to look at Enid. "Where are you going?" She asked curiously.

Enid raised an eyebrow at the girl once she finished touching up her makeup. "Whats it to you?" She asked teasingly, getting off the chair and skipping over to Wednesday.

Wednesday clenched her jaw. "Enid." She said simply, a demanding tone coating her voice.

Enid giggled in a high pitched tone. "You really cant take a joke!" She said, her index 'boop-ing' the tip of Wednesdays nose. Wednesday rolled her eyes, a small tint of pink coated her nose and cheeks. "Were just going to the weathervane coffee shop! This time theres no crazy murderer working there." She said with a wink.

Wednesday sighed. "Text me if anything bad happens." Wednesday said, spinning back toward her typewriter. Enid grinned happily. "Awwe, you care about me!" Enid exclaimed. She turned Wednesday back around and took one of her hands.

"I will be fine, AJ will protect me if anything happens!" Enid said excitedly, smiling down at the girl. Wednesday gave a disgusted look, followed by a tint of jealously, which she would never admit. Enid kissed Wednesdays hand with an over the top kissing sound.

"Dont worry about me! However,if i do text you, do respond quick." Enid said with a soft smile.

"I wouldnt think twice about it." Wednesday said, pulling her hand away from Enid, a small, red-tinted lip mark on the back of her hand now.

She blushed at the sight, but didnt think much of it. "Im going to go before im late!" Enid said with a small laugh.

Wednesday hesitated a small amount. "Enid. Have...fun." She mumbled quietly.

Enid grinned at the girl. "I will, dont worry. Do you want anything when im on the way back?" Enid asked as she held onto the dorm handle.

"I would like you not to come home shivering. Put on a coat, its expected to rain soon." Wednesday said, looking at the clock on the wall.

"Nooo, my hot pink coat wont match with this purple." Enid said sadly, looking down at her dark purple dress. Wednesday contemplated.

"Do you have any other jackets that match?" Wednesday asked, making sure her next suggestion was a last resort.

Enid is the girl that i want to kiss...Where stories live. Discover now