I gave her everything. (Angst)

732 11 44

Song title:torture.

This is full on angst with like no happy ending sorry

Uhm toxic Enjax ig 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮

"Hey." Enid spoke with a small, almost teary, smile.

She was drenched. Rain covering all of her features and clothing.

Wednesday bit the inside of her cheek, opening her door fully, inviting her friend in.

Enid accepted gratefully, walking into the warmer household.

Wednesday locked the door, sitting beside the drenched Enid. "Hey?" Wednesday successfully controlled most of her anger.

"I was...worried about you. I had no texts, calls or contact with you for a month." Wednesday spoke with a tint of frustration.

Enid shivered, nodding. "Im..im sorry.." she mumbled.

Wednesday couldnt watch her friend suffer. She sighed, getting up. She slowly walked to her room, collecting a blanket and clothes that she knew Enid would fit into.

She quickly returned to Enid, who was smiling gratefully.

"Thank you." She mouthed, scared of her own voice.

Wednesday simply hummed, placing the blanket down as she let Enid dress into the black,fluffy oversized hoodie and white joggers.

Enid sat down, her knees to her chest and her hands wrapped around the front of her legs. Wednesday draped the blanket over Enid, providing as much warmth to her as sue could.

There was a moment, quiet but not quite awkward.

"Did something happen?" Wednesday finally asked, her voice and face still blank.

Enid cleared her throat. "'M fine." She mumbled quietly.

"Coming to my house when its pouring rain after a month makes me believe that isnt right." Wednesday said.

Enid didnt respond, just closing her eyes.

Another moment. A beat. A pause.

"Why couldnt i reach you, Enid?" She urged.

Enids lips started to quiver, her eyes finally opening. Still no words came out of her lips.

"Did i do something wrong?" Wednesday asked, tilting her head.

"I...i dont know..'m sorry.." Enid sniffled, a single tear escaping her right eye.

"What do you mean you dont know? Of all people, you should know." Wednesday shook her head, looking down at Enids shaking hands.

"Dont...please dont blame me.." Enids eyes shed a few more tears.

Wednesday sighed. "Tell me whats really going on.." Wednesday gritted out, already having an idea if what it might be.

"Im sure you already know." Enid spoke through sniffles.

Wednesday bit her lip. She didnt have to question anymore.

"What..what am i meant to do, Enid?" Wednesday asked, knowing murder isnt something Enid is fond of.

Closed her watery eyes. "I..dont think theres much you can do." She mumbled.

Wednesdays eyes widened, anger almost getting the better of her.

"So thats it? Just because Ajax doesnt want me talking to me, were never going to speak again?" She asked, her heart shattering.

Enid sighed. "Im..sorry. Theres nothing i can do." She mumbled.

Wednesday scoffed. "Youre going to let someone else decide who you want to be friends with?" Wednesday shook her head, disbelief evident on her face.

Enid didnt respond.

"Weve known eachother for years-i know more about you then he could ever. Stop acting like we arent fucking close." She finally let anger take over, her teeth clenched angrily.

"I know..i don't know what to say to you, Wednesday.." Enid spoke quietly.

Wednesdays heart sank at the use of her name. No nickname.

"Why do you listen to everything he says? Hes..hes controlling you, Enid. He isnt good for you." Wednesday looked up at the ceiling, tired of this conversation.

Enid groaned. "Im sick of everyone telling me that. Wednesday, i like him, a lot. I cant jus-"

"So youre choosing him over me?" Wednesday finally looked at Enid, her eyes teary.

Enids eyes widened at the tears, not expecting Wednesday to show such emotions.

"Im..im not choosing anyone!" Enid tried to calm Wednesday down, her own eyes also filling with tears again.

Wednesday shook her head, a watery chuckle escaping her mouth. "Its fine. I get it now."

Wednesday wiped her tears away, her face trying to return to their stoic state. "I just hope you understand what youre doing." Wednesday spoke, her blinking the tears away.

"Im..im so sorry, Wednesday, please-"

"Dont be. You did this to yourself. You can see yourself out now." Wednesday got off of the couch, ready to unlock the door.

"Please, Wednesday. Just, give me a chance to.." she trailed off.

Wednesday had her back turned to Enid. "Chance to what? To explain how youre leaving behind many years of built up trust, friendship...love, for a boy?" She turned around to face her.

"No. You dont get to have the pleasure. You were my first ever friend, first ever person i trusted and loved for years and years. I told you secret that shouldve been kept between me and myself. I cant believe you are..leaving me for the boy who cheated on you thrice and who stood you up on dates." Wednesdays eyes shed tears. Real tears.

Enids lips quivered, her eyes pouring.

"Leave." Wednesday gritted out, her eyes closed angrily.

Enid couldnt find words, or even actions, so she just didnt. She removed the blanket from her body, getting up.

"Bye, Wednesday." Enid whispered.

Wednesdays lips quivered angrily. She bit her lip.

"Bye." She finally spoke, hearing the door open and close.

Wednesday slowly walked to the door, looking through the window. She watched Enid walk away, slow and deliberate.

She turned her back toward the door, slowly sliding down it.

Numb. Numb was the only word that could describe how she felt.

She placed her head between her knees, her arms wrapped around her legs.

It was funny, this was exactly how she sat when Enid declared she was leaving the dorm to live with Yoko.

But this time, she wasnt against coloured glass panes, this time she was against her door.

This time, she wasnt in the dorm, she was in her house, the one she shared with herself and her cat.

This time, there wasnt an excuse that Enid could use to see her again, like missing nail polish.

The only thing that was the same was the never ending sadness.

The pain only Enid could cause.


I hate writing angst but uhm hope this was good 😭

If u want i can write one with a happy ending 😭🤷‍♀️

Didnt backread sorry

1050 words

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