Im not talking about boys, im talking about girls.

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Song title: girls

The lesbianest song ik fr

Also this is a suggestion that i only got just recently- keep forgetting i havent even done requests from 100 yrs ago 💀💀

Wednesday sat at her desk, getting ready. She cleared her throat before she removed the black snood off of the crystal ball, sending a signal to her home.

The call was answered in a mere 20 seconds.

Wednesday set up the ball so only her and half of Enids side of the room was seen, making it known that Enid was also sat there, on her phone.

Wednesday didnt bother telling Enid that she was going to go on call with her parents, but she did make sure the volume was loud enough to hear.

Enid always likes to know where Wednesday was and what she was doing. Wednesday didnt mind much, except for the constant texts she would get when she was out with Thing on a mystery, but she did like how protective Enid was. It played into her wolfs side, which was very interesting.

"Hello, mother. Hello, father." She greeted as soon as they answered.

Gomez was first to speak, Morticia smiling patiently next to him. "Oh, my little storm cloud! How much i missed seeing your empty face!" He exclaimed, rubbing the crystal ball as if it was actually Wednesdays face.

Wednesday grimaced at the thought of her father touching her face. She turned her attention to her mother, who was calming Gomez down.

"Gomez, dear, you have to calm down." Wednesday could see that Morticias hand was on Gomezs knee, known by how her hand wasnt in frame no more and how Gomez immediately calmed down.

She frowned at the affection, looking away for a split second.  She caught eyes with Enid. Enid smiled.

Wednesday nodded at her. Then again, she was being quite hypocritical, as she let Enids hands roam her body when they would make out or just simply lay in bed.

And she would let her own do the same.

She looked back at her parents. "So, dear, how has Nevermore been? Hopefully very murderous?" Morticia spoke.

Wednesday hummed. "Very. Me and my Enid have had much fun going on adventures together. Today, we went to the park. To find something from my vision, of course." Wednesday added the last statement on in defence.

Gomez gave a confused face as Morticias eyebrows raised. "Park? You refuse to go there." But he refrained from mentioning the fact she said "my Enid".

Wednesday opened her mouth to reply, but someone else beat her to it.

"Actually, i convinced her! She actually played on the swings for a while and she spun me around on the rounda-" Wednesday quickly shut Enids mouth with a nudge to her stomach.

Enid groaned. "Hey! Thats not how you treat your girlfriend." She pouted angrily.

Wednesdays head shot backward toward Enid, her eyes wide.

Enid giggled. "What? Thats what its called! Friend thats a girl!" Enid exclaimed, saving their secret.

Wednesday narrowed her eyes in warning before looking at her parents.

"So, is there anything else on your mind, parents?" She asked curiously.

"Not much actually." Morticia said almost nervously.
"Actually, we were hoping to ask you something!" Gomez spoke excitedly at the same time as Morticia.

Morticia gave him a look, telling him to shut up, which he gladly complied, looking down guiltily.

"What is it?" Wednesday asked.

Enid is the girl that i want to kiss...Where stories live. Discover now