I dont really give a damn about the way you touch me when were alone.

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Song title:line without a hook

Enid hugged Wednesday from behind. "Whens your writing done?" Enid asked. Wednesday froze. "Enid, get off of me." She demanded. "What? Are you okay? Did i hurt you?" Enid asked worriedly. Regardless, she obeyed Wednesdays demand. "Yokos here." Wednesday whispered. Enid raised a brow. "Sooo? She knows were together?" Enid whispered back. 

"I dont want anyone to see my soft side. Unless its you." Wednesday said, her cheeks flushing the slightest. "You...you dont want me to touch you at all around other people...?" Enid asked sadly. Wednesday felt guilt build up in her chest. "You can hold my hand. And limited kisses on my face." Wednesday compromised. Enid frowned. "Okay...uh- im going to do Yokos nails. Let me know when youre done." Enid said, about to walk off. Wednesday stopped her. Enid looked back at her.

Wednesdays hand slipped down to Enids. Enid raised a brow. "Yes, Wends?" Enid asks. Wednesday swallowed before getting up. She walked closer to Enid. She saw Yoko watch with clear interest on her face out of the corner of her eye. She took in a deep breath. "Let me kiss you." Wednesday said, more like a question then a demand. Enid nodded.

Wednesday leaned in, tilting her head and giving Enid a kiss. Enids hand snaked around the back of Wednesdays neck, pulling her closer so she cant pull away just yet. Wednesday placed a hand on Enids hip, the other on Enids waist.

"Ew, get a room!" Yoko said, breaking the moment. And the kiss. Enid pulled away. She seemingly forgot she was even there. "Oh, right. Forgot you were there." She turned to Wednesday. "Is this an apology or an indication you might let me kiss you in public?" Enid asked hopefully, a small smile on her face. Wednesday shook her head. "You clueless idiot." Wednesday mumbled.

"Im your clueless idiot. Meaning you have to teach your clueless idiot. Tell the idiot which one it is." Enid said, smirking. Wednesday took a step back. "Only occasionally. Do not smother me. Well, at least in public." Wednesday mumbled the last bit. Enid smiled and winked at Wednesday. "Got it, Wends!" She said before skipping towards her bed, where Yoko stared at the pair with a knowing look.

Wednesday glared at her, the look almost saying 'tell anyone this, and ill make sure you dont tell anyone anything again.'. Yoko smirked before doing a salute sign. Wednesday sat back down in her seat.

She cant believe she kissed Enid infront of someone. And it felt good. Better,even. Showing everyone Enid is hers. Wednesday let a small smirk play on her face. My clueless idiot. Ew, im turning soft for this girl.

...its worth it.

Enid is the girl that i want to kiss...Where stories live. Discover now