Love me, Hate me.

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Song title:BBM baby dont listen to this boycott lana bitch rey!!!!

"Enid. You have been in a bad mood all day." Wednesday said, walking over to Enids side of the room.

"Im not." Enid said simply, obviously sad about something. Wednesday looked down at Enid who was sitting on her bed, scrolling through what looked like tiktok.

"Enid, just tell me what happened." Wednesday said, Enid now looking up at her.

"Its nothing, Wednesday." Enid said, starting to get frustrated.


"I said its nothing!" Enid said, getting up from her bed. She threw her phone on her bed, her claws now shown and her fangs out. Wednesday raised her eyebrows from the sudden outburst.

"Gosh, Wednesday! Cant you just accept that you cant fix every fucking thing in the world?!" Enid shouted, walking closer to Wednesday. Wednesday watched her get closer and closer, watching her stop once they were face to face.

"I cant. However, it would benefit me to know what has been causing you to feel so upset that you are lashing out at me."

"Im not lashing out! Sometimes you are just too much to bare! Like you always act like you don't fucking care but right now you are acting like you care about my feelings?! Pick a fucking side!!!" Enid shouted, tears prickling the corners of her eyes.

"Enid calm down." Wednesday ordered, confused as to why Enid was so upset at her.

"Dont tell me to fucking calm down!" Enid said, the tears now streaming down her face.


"What Wednesday? Are you going to act like you dont give a shit then walk back to your annoying typewriter and act like im not mad at you?!" Enid asked, the tears dripped onto the floor slowly.

Wednesday bit her tongue. She grabbed onto Enids jaw.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Enid asked, still angry and now slightly confused.

Wednesday pulled her down for a kiss. Enid muffled something into her mouth, but Wednesday didn't give her a chance to speak. Enids fangs sliced Wednesdays tongue. The taste of her blood startled Enid, but the hand on her jaw didnt let her pull away. Enid let her hand lay on Wednesdays hip, the other reaching up to cup her jaw.

"Wednesday..!" Enid shrieked against her lips. Wednesday pulled away, hesitantly opening her eyes. "You dumbass, youre bleeding." Enid said. She was still angry, but too concerned to be letting her anger take over.

"Its fine. I like the taste of blood." Wednesday stated. She stuck out her tongue and used her thumb to wipe over the mark. She looked at the tip of her thumb that was now covered with blood. "Your fangs can make a pretty deep cut." Wednesday said, letting the blood drip down her finger.

Enid shivered at the sight of blood. "Wednesday." Enid took a tissue of her desk and placed it on Wednesdays thumb, letting the tissue soak the blood. "What the fuck?" Enid whispered, letting herself actually show a surprised expression.

"Hm?" Wednesday hummed, using the tissue on her thumb to wipe the corner of her mouth that had blood seeping out of it. Who knew Wednesday had that much blood in her tongue?

"You just had your tongue in my mouth dont 'hm' me!" Enid said, her voice a little more high pitched. Her face was red and her eyes were wide. "What do you mean? Was it not obvious i liked you?" Wednesday asked.

Enids mouth fell open. "I mean- no?! You show no fucking emotion?!" Enid said, her arms in the air.

"I let you hug me, touch me and i even let you kiss my cheek without stabbing you until the only thing on your body was your own blood. I let you give me nicknames, let you force me make tiktok, instagram and twitter accounts. I am concerned on why you are upset with me. I threatened to nail gun Ajax's heart if he hurt you." Wednesday took hold of Enids hands. "Wasnt that enough to show my love for you? I know im terrible at showing emotions, but i showed you enough, didnt i?" Wednesday asked, tilting her head slightly.

Enid just stared at her. For a few seconds, Wednesday thought she had broken her. Until Enid lunged forward for a rushed, heated kiss. Wednesday mumbled a surprised sound before kissing her back. Enid let her hands slide down Wednesdays face to cup her hips instead. Wednesday followed after, letting her hands hug Enid by her neck.

"Enid..." Wednesday mumbled against her lips. Enid ignored her, instead she walked Wednesday to her bed so she was sitting down. Wednesday opened her eyes in shock. Enids eyes were still closed, her lips the only thing moving. Enid had a immaculate toleration to holding her breath. Enid finally pulled away. Before Wednesday could say another word, Enid gently pushed Wednesday onto the bed. Enid now sitting on her lap as Wednesday was propped up by her elbows.

"Enid..what are y-" Enid cut her of with her lips. "Shut it and kiss me." Enid whispered against her lips before trailing hers down to Wednesdays neck. Wednesday shivered as Enid kissed and sucked at her neck. "Enid wait.." Wednesday said in her normal monotone voice. Enid stopped and looked up at Wednesday with a surprisingly innocent face.

Wednesday was breathing heavily. "Yes, Wends?" Enid asked. Her voice was just as innocent as her face. It pissed Wednesday off. "Dont act all innocent like you werent sucking on my neck a few seconds ago." Wednesday said, slightly moving backward so she had breathing space.

"Why are you moving, scared?" Enid asked with a small smirk on her face. She crawled closer to Wednesday, almost closing the space between them.

"No. I still havent gotten the reason on why you were mad." Wednesday said. She couldnt help but let her eyes flicker down to Enids lips when she was at such close proximity.

"Later." Enid said simply before kissing her again. Wednesday wanted to know. She really wanted to know. But she also didnt mind the feeling that Enids lips on hers gave her in her stomach.

"Enid?" Knock. Knock. "Enid? Are you okay? Why arent you answering my calls?" A voice sounded outside their dorm. Enid gasped when she pulled away. "W-wait let me just tell yoko to leave." Enid said breathlessly, getting off of the bed.

"Enid! Omg i thought you-like- i dont know died or something! Why did you not answer?" Yoko asked. Enid sighed. "Yoko, im in the middle of something really important, i would call you later." Enid said. She was about to close the door until Yoko swiftly went through the gap. "It cant be as important as your bestie, Enid!" Yoko said teasingly. She hasnt looked at Wednesday yet.

Hopefully she wouldnt.

"Yoko. I-its very important. Please get o-out..." Enid stuttered out nervously. Yoko raised an eyebrow. "Why so nervous? Chill." Yoko said, laughing. She finally looked over to Wednesday.

Wednesday was currently a beautiful mess. She had red-tinted marks all over her neck and jaw, followed by a few swollen bruises. Her hair was messier than she would ever let anyone see, and her clothes were... everywhere-literally.

The buttons of her blazer was undone and was half off on one arm. " are doing someone...important..." Yoko said, eyes wide and her mouth slightly gape. "Y-Yoko j-just leave...please..." Enid said before groaning. Yoko nodded before rushing out the dorm. "Sorry for interrupting!" She said as she closed the door, her voice muffled halfway.

"W-wednesday..sorry.." Enid said.  She walked back over to the girl on her bed. Wednesday just took a deep breath. 

"Yokos never going to shut up about that." Enid said nervously.

"I know." Wednesday replied, fixing her blazer.

"S-sorry.." Enid whispered. Wednesday sighed. "Whats done is done. Now..." Wednesday muttered the next part embarrassedly "get back on the bed." She finally said after a long pause.

Enid smirked as she obeyed.

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