Nothing I can do-oo, All i want is you-oo

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Song name: missin something.

"Omg! Wednesday cant you just leave my stuff alone!" Enid started as she stormed out of the bathroom.

Wednesday looked up from her book to look at the fuming girl. She was angry. Her claws were popped out in frustration and her eyes were practically red with anger. "Leave what alone?" Wednesday asked out of curiosity . "Ugh, Wednesday! You keep messing with my face masks because 'the colourfulness cannot be seen on my side of my bathroom' and now i cant find them! How am i meant to hydrate my face now?!" Enid shouted furiously.

Wednesday blinked once before getting off of her bed. "Enid, you should know that i wouldnt touch anything that belongs to you as they are all too full of life and colour. Maybe you misplaced it or-"

"I didn't misplace it! I would never do that! I  always put them in the same place,god damn it! You should know all of my stuff are under the sink and all of yours are in the cabinet on top of the sink." Enid tried to calm herself down, smiling sarcastically at Wednesday.

Wednesday sighed. "Yes, Enid, i was the one who made the system. Can you please calm down,maybe i would even help you look for it." Wednesday suggested.

Enids face turned red. "Maybe? Maybe?! Its your fault i cant fucking find it so you are going to help me look for it either way!" Enid practically screamed.

Wednesday wanted to show attitude back, but she didnt want to make Enid angry enough to wolf out. She took in a deep breath and released it. "Okay." Wednesday finally said.

Enids face started to relax. "However, it wasnt me who lost your facial masks." Wednesday started.

"Oh yes, because Wednesday is ALWAYS right! Wednesday Addams is too clever to be in the wrong sometimes! You saved our school now everyone worships you, huh?! Youre so fucking full of yourself! I cant believe youre blaming me! Oh sorry, its typical Wednesday to do something then blame it on an innocent person." Enid shouted angrily. Wednesdays blood boiled.

"Enid Sinclair, calm down." Wednesday demanded.

Enids eyes watered with pure anger. "Dont tell me to!-"

"Enid." Wednesday cut her off.

"No! Im not go-" Enid insisted, however her voice was interupted by another;

"Enid." Wednesday demanded.

"For fuck sakes,Adda-" Enid grew angrier by the second.

"Enid Sinclair." Wednesday nearly shouted, almost breaking her calm shell.

"...Yes?" Enid asked calmly after a few seconds.

"This isnt about the face masks. Tell me what is going on." Wednesday commanded.

"I fucking hate you. Ever since you saved nevermore, its all about you. Every conversation you are brought up. Everytime someone calls my name, its always "omg! Its Wednesdays roomate!" Every time i try to talk about me you are always just there! Haunting me..." Enids eyes filled with tears. "Did they forget i helped you?" She whispered with a breaking voice.

Wednesday stood there and listened to all of Enids words. She watched tears build in Enids eyes before they slid across her face slowly. Wednesday walked closer to Enid. She lowered her head in a defeated manner and opened her arms, an indicator for a hug. Enid sobbed as she walked closer to Wednesday, falling into her arms weakly. "I hate you. I hate you. I fucking hate you." Enid whispered repeatedly, hugging her tighter.

Wednesday rubbed her back soothingly, her other hand supporting the weak Enid. "I dont like you. I hate you so much." Enid repeated as tears fell from her eyes. Wednesday sighed in defeat quietly. " i couldnt have done it without you. You were the one who saved me from the hyde. You were the one who made sure i wasnt chocked to death by him. You were the one telling me that Tyler seemed sketchy. It was you who wolfed out just to save me. It was all you." Wednesday talked over Enids 'i hate you"s.

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