Then you walked in and my heart went-BOOM!

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Song name: literally Hamilton "helpless" 💀 lookinin my eyes and im smiling a minunr di im HELPLESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Okay so im dumb and some of the oarts dont make sense so im going to try make sense out of it.

After this line -Wednesday slipped out of her arms and walked towards her bed, Enid following right after...- Theyre sitting on their knees and facing eachother.

Thats all <3 😘

"Enid, youre so dramatic- just get out of the bathroom."

It was the night after the downfall of Nevermore. Wednesday insisted Enid took a quick, cold shower before she cleaned up her scars. That "quick, cold shower" turned into a long, cold bath.

Wednesday had cleaned up most of her scars, leaving the deep hole in her shoulder for the professionals to take care off, however, she did bandage the area so there isnt much blood loss.

"You dont understand! I look terrible!!" Enid groaned. Her voice was shaky, probably by how cold she must be feeling. Or, Wednesday is terrible at reading emotions.

"Enid, if you dont come out in the next 30 seconds i wouldnt hesitate to break down the door."

Enid knew that wasnt an empty threat, she would most definitely do that.

She groaned before she opened the lock with a small click. She slowly opened the door, making Wednesday wait in suspense. 

Enid took a hesitant and awkward step into the room. Wednesday stared at her. She looked....terrible. Her eyes and cheeks were puffy and swollen. The little skin shown is covered in small scars, followed by some occasional deep scars. Her hair didnt show a trace of the red blood that stained it, but you would tell her cheeks and some of her forehead was abused greatly by the hyde. Her left arm had a long, deep scar- starting from her elbow to the side of her wrist, having a sort of spiralling effect. However, in all the scars and cuts, she still looked highly and utterly beautiful.

She could tell Enid was getting uncomfortable, seeing as Wednesdays eyes roamed over her body with her mouth slightly agape and her usual unblinking stare. But Wednesday couldnt look away. However, Enids nervous picking at her now uncoloured fingernails made her pull her eyes away. She looked up into the blondes eyes. Her eyes were wet, her mouth trembling without permission.

She was on the verge of tears. Verge of falling apart. Wednesday didnt say or dare to move her eyes away from Enids mesmerising eyes, she just hesitantly opened her arms and stepped forward. Enids lips trembled more aggressively and a tear slipped out of her eye.Enid didnt rush to hug her friend like she did after the huge fight, instead she slowly walked to the girl and let herself fall into her arms.

Wednesday effortlessly caught her, her arms held onto her with great strength. Enids arms had the same effect, maybe just a little looser as she felt weaker than usual.

"I look revolting..." Enid whispered, followed with a small sniffle. Wednesday opened her eyes and pushed Enid back, enough to look into her teary eyes. "You look gorgeous." Wednesday admittedly mumbled, feeling disgusted at her own sickeningly nice words.

Enids face tinted with a slight pink, her quivering lips tilted upwards and mouthed a quite "thank you" before her head returned to Wednesdays shoulder.

Wednesday hated this. Hated feeling for someone, hated wanting to comfort said person. Hated how she was going to clean this persons scars, physical and emotional. Hated how shes going to whisper praises and affection as the person cries and whimpers in the night. She hated-hates caring for Enid.

As Enids sobs calmed down, she carefully pushed Enid away. Enids eyes opened, her wet eyelashes touched her eyelids as her eyes expressed an anxious emotion. "Dont worry, we just need to clean your cuts. I- you dont want an infection." Wednesday explained.

Enid is the girl that i want to kiss...Where stories live. Discover now