Cause,baby, i'd die for you.

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Song title: die for you.

"What the fuck?" Yoko asked herself in astonishment at the recent event.

Wednesday had walked into the lunch room and sat down next to Enid- the first thing that was unusual, Wednesday never interacted with Enid outside of the dorm room and classes.

Wednesday leaned her head against Enids shoulder, her arms snaking around Enids right.- second unusual thing. Physical contact outside of the dorm room.

"I missed you baby.." she mumbled. Third unusual thing-what the fuck?! Admitting to missing Enid was never something she ever even thought of. And forth... baby? Baby?! What the hell? Nicknames were never a thing in their relationship (well-Wednesday would never say any.)

"Uh...i missed you too, Wens." Enid said, holding onto the forearm of Wednesdays left arm. "What happened? You okay? Do you feel ill?" Enid whispered. Wednesday shook her head. She yawned, snuggling closer into Enid. "Come back to the dorm with me." Wednesday said, opening her eyes, staring into blue ones.

Enid smiled softly. "Okay." She said softly, looking up at Yoko. "Is it alright if i go? I dont think shes feeling herself." Enid said, feeling Wednesdays soft lips kiss the side of her neck. Yoko just nodded, surprised by the sudden change of...well-Wednesday.

"Great." She looked down at the girl laying on her shoulder. "Come on. Lets get you to bed." Enid whispered, getting up. Wednesday followed, her head still laying on her shoulder. "What happened?" Enid asked, slightly concerned by the new act her girlfriend is playing.

"I love you." Wednesday whispered, hearing the lock of the dorm room open. "Wednesday darling, whats up?" Enid asked, surprised by the sudden confession.

"Period. Need you." Wednesday whispered. Enid finally understood. Wednesday was clingy on her period. Wow, thats surprising. Wednesday and clingy shouldn't be in the same sentence.

"Oh okay, you shouldve mentioned that sooner. Do you need anything else? Pads? Cravings? Medicine?" Enid asked, helping Wednesday into her bed. Wednesday looked up, her face slightly embarrassed. "Cuddles and kisses." She mumbled. She was cringing herself out, but it was worth it.

Enid smiled softly. "Of course. Are you sure you arent in any pain?" She asked reassuringly.

Wednesday held her arms out, Basically telling her to shut up and get into the bed. Enid laughed softly before climbing into the black bed.

Wednesdays arms wrapped around her waist almost immediately. Enid flinched slightly, but returned the favour. She felt Wednesdays face dig into her neck.  She kissed on the side of her neck sloppily, tiredly humming.  "Wednesday, baby, go to sleep. We can kiss later." Enid said, giggling after. Wednesday continued kissing, her head inching closer to Enids face.

"We-nmmm" Enid tried to talk, but her words turning into one long hum as Wednesdays lips hit hers. Enid kissed back, her hand cupped her face with a light feather touch. Wednesday pulled away, kissing Enids jaw. "Wednesday." Enid breathed out, catching her breath. Wednesday hummed into her jaw. "You need sleep." She said, pushing Wednesday off of her slightly.

Wednesday let go of Enids jaw. She crawled back down to Enids chest, laying the side of her head onto it. Her left hand laid sprawled against her chest as her other arm hugged around Enids waist.

"Good girl." Enid whispered, her hands resting on Wednesdays head and cheek. She played with Wednesdays hair as she drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Who knew the Addams knew how to be affectionate?

583 words

Posting old ones before i do ur guys suggestions 🤭😋

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