Try somethin new tonight

708 18 15

Song title: me you and Hennessy

This is not the au 😭 guys i barely dtarted it like i got 23 words down.... Idk what to write help meeee 😭😭😭😭

Ne way enjoy Wednesday using research as an excuse to touch Enid 😊


Enid flinched when she heard her name cut through the silence.

She turned toward the voice to find Wednesday staring down at her.

"Hey Wends, do you need anything?" Enid asked, sitting up so she wasnt lying down and putting the phone on her bed to show her full attention.

"I would like to try an experiment...which includes you." Wednesday stated as she slowly sat down on Enids bed.

Enid tilted her head. "Mmmm...kayy... what is this experiment?"

Wednesday got up. She gestured for Enid to follow her with her hand, which Enid complied immediately.

Enid was now infront of Wednesday, looking at her curiously.

"So...?" She asked nervously.

"I am researching on your type of wolves, omegas i believe?" Wednesday asked.

Enid nodded, still confused. "Omegas are weaker than the alpha. I would like to test some of your abilities, since i know what it feels to test an alphas from my childhood days. May you please be my so called 'test subject?'" Wednesday explained.

Enid furrowed her brows but agreed, nodding her head tentatively.

"I would first like to test your claws. Can you unsheathe them?" She asked, picking up a notebook that was on her desk.

Enid raised an eyebrow as she obeyed yet again. "What do you want me to do with them?" She asked confusedly.

Wednesday pointed to the piece of wood sitting on her bed. "Use one claw and dig as deep and long as you can." She stated, looking into Enids rolled eyes.

"What kind of stupid experiment is this?" She asked as she walked toward the wood. "So i just claw at it?" Enid asked, looking back at Wednesday.

She nodded almost eagerly.  Enid picked up the wood in one hand and held her other up.

She used her index finger to claw at the wood, reaching up to the middle of the plank.

"There." She said, giving the wood to Wednesday.

Wednesday inspected it before she wrote somethings down in her book.

"Okay. Next is smell. Do you know how heightened your smell is?"

"A hundred times stronger than yours and about 10 times weaker then an alphas. That is the same with my hearing i believe." Enid said, her voice laced with boredom.

"Exquisite information, Enid. Now, i understand this may sound weird to you, but i need you to bite me." Wednesday stated, putting down the notebook as she held out her uncovered arm.

Enid sighed, not even surprised anymore. "Would love to, but i can only bite on fleshy areas, or my fangs would hit your bone."

"That's a good thing. I love pain."

"You weird masochist." She said jokingly. "But i really cant do that to you though, i love you too much." She stated, walking closer to Wednesday.

Wednesday hid her blush as much as she could. "Uh...okay. Where do you suggest you bite me?" Wednesday asked.

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