I still remember the 3rd of december..

772 20 59

Song title: heatherrr

This is a request ^^ this is a fanfic on the song heather, every little yk the —— thingy is a verse/chorus/ paragraph of the song 😭 if that even makes sense- anyway! Enojiyyyyy wow i spelt that horribly LOL


"Weds, i told you to get a coat or something!" Enid complained as she took her coat off.

Wednesday rolled her eyes stubbornly. "I do not need one. Worry about yourself." Wednesday replied, followed by a small, embarrassed sneeze.

Enid sighed as she stopped in her tracks. "Im not giving you my coat to teach you a lesson, but i cant stand here watching you get sick. I guess i you could take my jumper." Enid joked as she took off her sweater in the snow. Her coat was placed on a nearby bench.

"Enid, no. I am not in the mood to take care of you when youre sick. I will be fine. Also, you should know i like pain. Frostbite is child's play." Wednesday insisted annoyedly.

Enid groaned as she felt the cool wind and specks of snow hit her bare arms, quickly putting the sweater on the bench that was yet to get covered in snow and shoving the coat over her shoulders.

"But i dont like seeing you in pain. Seeing you in pain causes me pain, and you wouldnt want to hurt me, would you?" Enid pouted her lips and widened her eyes into the best puppy-dog-face she could pull.

Wednesday looked away with a small blush. She would obviously insist it was from the cold, not her undying love for Enid.

She quickly snatched the sweater from the bench and pulled it over her head. The scent of Enid, an aroma of vanilla perfume and the smell of the dove body wash she mustve used before they went out, filled her nostrils as she mistakenly inhaled. It mightve been a mistake, but that didn't mean she didnt want to smell the strong scent again.

"Fine, whatever." She mumbled as she put it on. Luckily, the sweater was one of her duller ones, not the bright pink or yellow colours she normally wears.

Enid looked her up and down with a grin, making Wednesday blush slightly. "Wow, you look good! Hell, you look better than me!" Enid exclaimed as she smiled friendlily. Wednesday rolled her eyes, though her blush grew darker.

"Flattery wont make this any better. Lets just get going."

Enid giggled as she nodded sheepishly. "No, seriously! I mean it, it looks really good- you could keep it!" Enid exclaimed as she started walking.

Wednesday sighed as she followed, slowly catching up with Enid. "I would not be seen in this horrendous sweater again." Wednesday retorted.

Enid laughed in response.


Wednesday sat down in the chair, Enid running after her.

"Lord, Wednesday! You really have a power walk-god..." Enid breathed out as she caught her breath, her hand grabbing her fast-beating heart.

Wednesday turned to her with her head and stared at her face. Her forehead was dripping with sweat. Wednesday closed her eyes in disgust.

"I didnt know i was walking too fast. My apolo-" Wednesday opened her eyes to find Enid looking in the opposite direction. She followed her mesmerised eyes to find Ajax staring at her with the same disgustingly loving look on his face.  Wednesday resisted the urge to roll her eyes and gag, instead she sighed and turned her head toward the teacher at the front who was begging the students for their attention.

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