....But i'll love you better, if you let me.

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Song name: all mine

+a little jealousy from Wednesday ;)

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+a little jealousy from Wednesday ;)

Thank you lokiisacat for the suggestion :D!!!!


It was a typical nevermore afternoon. Both Enid and Wednesdays classes have free periods for the rest of their day, so they decided that it would be nice to sit in their usual spots in the dorm.

In silence. Doing whatever they normally do.

This was a normal occurrence, and was almost never planned to happen. Wednesday would continue her novel on her typewriter while Enid would sit on her phone, either updating her blog or scrolling through twitter.

It was a comfortable silence. That was broken by a small cough let out by the black haired girl. Enid didnt think much of it. It seemed like Wednesday didnt either. The typewriters clicks never faltered atleast the tiniest bit.

They both remained silent, the only noises heard was the clicks of the typewriter and the small giggles erupting from Enid.

Another quiet cough was heard from the darker side of the dorm.

"Hey, Wends, you okay?"

"Im fine. I just have something stuck in my throat." Wednesday lied effortlessly. 

Enid hummed before returning to her phone. She liked a tweet before she heard a little sneeze.

Enid turned toward Wednesday. "Whats your excuse for that?" She smugly asked the back of Wednesdays head.

"Its nothing, Enid. Go back to being engrossed in your mobile device." Wednesday insisted, still not stopping the ridiculously loud typing.

"Wends, its okay to admit to being sick. Its not a weakness." Enid reassured as she slowly got up.

Wednesday sighed, only shifting in her seat. "Im not sick. I just have a little bit of a sore throat. Its not unusual for a woman who goes out in the cold night searching for clues about a monster." Wednesday explained to Enid. She was about to turn back around before Enid started speaking again.

"Wednesday, the best way to get rid of a cold is to take a rest." Enid paused before adding on;  "And  to have the required medicine,obviously."

"Are you not hearing me? Im not sick. I just have a simple sore throat." Wednesday defended, rolling her eyes.

"Wednesday, i swear to god." Enid started, getting up from her place to walk toward Wednesday. "Im not going to listen to your little sneezes and coughs while you work, it would make me feel like a bad friend." Enid finally reached Wednesdays desk as she finished her sentence, jutting out her bottom lip after she said 'bad friend.'

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