The taste of her cherry-chapstick.

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Song title:i kissed a girl

Enid was laid down in her many stuffed animals, listening to music as she scrolled through tweets.

"Enid." Wednesday started. She turned toward the blonde. The blonde in question was slightly bobbing her head to the music blasting in her sensitive werewolf ears.

Wednesday sighed. She sceptically walked across the more gloomy side of the room to the more vibrant side of the room. "Enid." She said again, now towering over Enid. Enid was still bobbing along to her music. Wednesday was starting to get irritated by the other girls ignorance.

"Enid Sinclair." Wednesday said louder. Enid kept her head bouncing up and down in time with her music. Wednesday grit her teeth. She ddi t want to touch the blonde. She slightly kicked her foot to get her attention.

Enid looked up, startled to see the girl above her. Wednesday pointed toward her ears to gesture at Enid to take out her headphones. Enid obeyed, turning of her music and taking of her headphones. She placed her phone down, getting up to show Wednesday she had her full attention.

As she did this, she noticed how close they would be if she did get up. She quickly stumbled back onto her bed, not wanting to make Wednesday uncomfortable. Or herself. Make both of them uncomfortable.

"Y-yes, Wends?" Enid asked with a nervous chuckle.

"Dont. Call. Me. Wends." Wednesday said, her face serious and tone deadly.

"Or what?" Enid asked, raising her eyebrow challengingly. Wednesday narrowed her eyes.

"I would skin you alive, make you into salted potato crisps and sell them for £1.50 each packet. Im sure i could get at least 10 full packets from your skin." Wednesday said, her voice deadly serious even though Enid knew she was bluffing. Or maybe not...Enid wanted to test her luck.

"Do it, Wends." Enid said, exaggerating the nickname to anger Wednesday further. Wednesdays eyebrows raised slightly. "Hm?" She hummed, as if she was surprised by the very risky words. "Do it. Skin me alive or whatever. You know, those empty threats you say?"  Enid replied. A huge smirk was on her face.

Wednesdays eyes glinted emotion? Not quite sure which one, but is an emotion- which is very rare for an Addams who never shows... anything!

"Well? Im waiting?" Enid pushed, knowing she is risking her own and her entire familys' lifes. It was so worth it, seeing the look Wednesday gave her. Parted lips- maybe in surprise? Not attraction..right?-  her eyes were glinting with that same emotion. Her cheeks slightly flushed- most likely with embarrassment. Or- again- attraction. Thats absurd...right?

Wednesday didn't reply. Instead, she reached into her pocket. She pulled out a small, but sharp, dagger. Enids eyes widened. Is she actually-!? "Uh-Wends..?" Enid asked, slightly sweating now. She slowly backed up against the bed. Wednesday crawled onto her bed, the knife so sharp it left marks on the sheets. "W-woah- Wednesday- i-it was only friendly banter i-i know youre c-capable of ski-skinning me alive!" Enid said, her tone desperate and frightened.

Enid backed up further, noticing how Wednesday has not stopped moving. Enids back hit the wall, giving her no way to do anything. "W-wait!" Enid said, her eyes wide as Wednesday put the knife to her chest. "W-Wednesday! L-lets think about this now...!" Enid said, sweat forming on her forehead.

Wednesday didnt let her speak as her mouth got covered by a hand. "Ive heard enough. How would you like this done?" Wednesday asked. Wednesday was obviously teasing, but Enid didnt have to know that. Seeing Enid all scared and frightened was funny. But also...


Wednesday pushed the thought aside. Enid mumbled into her hand. "Hm? I couldnt quite hear you? Would you want it to happen faster?" Wednesday sliced down the shirt Enid was wearing. Enids eyes squeezed shut. Wednesday was careful not to actually hurt the girl, even if it wasnt obvious.

When she saw Enids pulse literally pounding at her neck, she cut the fun stuff short. Now comes the boring 'Wednesday! You cant just joke like that!'.

Wednesday took her hand off her mouth and let the knife fall to the bed next to them. Enids chest was raising and falling fast. "Th-that.." Enid started. Wednesday waiting for the rant on how that was unacceptable.

"That" Enid finally let out. Wednesdays eyebrows raised slightly. Hot? She found Wednesday threatening to skin her alive and dangerously close to slicing her chest open hot? "Interesting." Wednesday thought out loud.

Enid blushed furiously, her eyes everywhere on Wednesdays face excluding her eyes. Wednesday let her face show a small smirk when Enids eyes landed on her lips. "Can i kiss you..?" Enid asked reluctantly. Wednesday didnt answer, she just smashed her lips with Enids and hoped for the best.

Wednesday has had one kiss in her lifetime, with tyler- a big-eyed monster who killed multiple people. So when she kissed Enid, she was pleased to not be met with a vision, but instead to be met with the slight taste of cherry chapstick and mint. "Mmm..." Enid hummed into the kiss, placing her hands on Wednesdays cheeks. Wednesdays hands was in two different places. One cupping Enids neck, the other hugging her waist to pull their bodies closer.

Wednesday pulled away first. "W-Wednesday.." Enid said, just bellow a whisper. Enid was breathless and her confidence from before was drained, Wednesday taking it all. Wednesday wore a proud smirk. "Yes, Enid?" Wednesday answered.

Enid only said Wednesdays name because she didn't know what else to say.

"Kiss me more..." Enid whispered. Wednesday was going to tease more, until she felt Enids lips on hers again. Wednesday let it happen, pulling her closer with the hand on Enids neck, getting warmer by Enids blood rushing up to it. "MmEnid..." Wednesday tried to talk, but the lips covering hers were making it hard. Enid let her lips go, noticing Wednesdays attempt at talking.



Wednesday looked into Enids eyes. She went from left to right. Right to left. Looking for something. "Be mine." Wednesday said simply.

Enid grinned from ear to ear. "Of course, Wednesday!" Enid said, pulling her in with her hands on her cheeks for a quick kiss before squeezing her cheeks.

"Do not do that." Wednesday said.

Enid laughed and nodded, letting go.

Wednesday liked how Enid understand when she was serious and when she wasnt. When she was crossing boundaries and when Wednesday wanted attention.

She liked Enid.

And she would have to deal with that- unless she could make a- no. No. She enjoys liking Enid.

She..enjoys liking Enid.

1131 words

This is so cringe ew 🤢

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