She keeps runnin' back though. 😉

920 22 42

Song name: Roxanne (arizona Zervas)
Dude that song is still so good even after my gacha phase. 😪💯

The taste of blood lingered in her mouth as her heartbeat pounded in her ears. "Give it up, Enid, this time the villains going to win." Wednesday said smugly.

They were both on top of a building, their hair moved with the wind as they stood opposite each other, both of them unmoving.

Enids breath turned into fog and disappeared into the cold air. "Youre not going to be the first darling." Enid winked before she swung her dagger at Wednesday harshly. Wednesday effortlessly dogged it. "Didnt anyone teach you not to bring a knife to a gunfight, Enid?" Wednesday asked with a small smirk on her face.

"I believe its sword, actually." Enid retorted, attempting to swing at her right side this time. Wednesday took a step back, making sure that Enid didnt even graze her clothing. "Oh please, Enid, you cant possibly think you can win with a small little dagger,hm?" Wednesday hummed teasingly, pointing the gun at the small knife.

Enid rolled her eyes before sighing. "As a heroine, i cant back down first. So, if you do care about me, you would back down." Enid said, looking at the dagger in her hand. It was short and small but definitely sharp enough to cut through a piece of paper in a quick, clean swipe.

Wednesday scoffed. "And why would i care about the person im fighting?" She asked.

Enid smirked smugly, laughing a little. "You had multiple times you couldve obliterated me. But, however-" she walked closer toward Wednesday, the smirk still planted on her face. Wednesday gripped onto the gun tighter, making sure she was in a good position to shoot the blonde at any moment. "-you decided to spare me,-" she moved closer and closer, to the point she was inches away from Wednesday. "-you decided to spare your precious little Enid, hm?" She whispered the last line, shooting a toothy grin at the braided girl. "Am i correct, Wednesday?" She asked with a teasing tilt of her head.

She was inches away from her face, to the point she could see every one of Wednesdays freckles. Wednesdays cheeks were also tinted a slight pink. She rolled her eyes and scoffed once again. "Do you actually think i care about you? Heck, i will even shoot you right now." Wednesday threatened.

Enid smirked toothily. She nodded approvingly. "Then, do it." She said. Wednesday stared at the blonde. "Wh..." Wednesday couldnt let the words leave her mouth.

"I mean it. Shoot me, Addams." Enid whispered, her eyes hidden behind her smile. It was huge and bright. "What? Are you backing out?" She asked in an almost unbelievable tone. "Wow..." she whispered with a small chuckle.

Wednesdays grip on the gun grew tighter. She slowly walked forward, making Enid stumble back. She raised her eyebrow, waiting in anticipation. "Are you going to do it? Shoot me?" Enid asked curiously. "Are you going to shoot your precious little Enid?" She asked, tilting her head and jutting her bottom lip out.

Wednesday huffed furiously. "Shut up. Youre not my 'precious little Enid.' Stop saying that." She said in her usual monotone voice. However, there was a tint of anger in her eyes. Enid smirked.

"Oh, how i love seeing my precious little Wednesday angry." Enid teased further, smiling wider as Wednesday lifted her hand to put the gun to Enids temple. "I will pull the trigger if you dont stop with those disgusting nicknames..." Wednesday suggested angrily.

"You dont like it? Maybe you could work with..." Enid thought for a second, sighing to show her concentration- "My precious Raven?" Enid asked, looking into the braided girls eyes.

Her eyes were furrowed, showing her resentment toward the blonde. "Youre so fucking insufferable.." she mumbled through gritted teeth. "You love it." Smirked Enid. Wednesdays cheeks grew red.

Enid is the girl that i want to kiss...Where stories live. Discover now