How can i hate her? Shes such an angel.

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Song title:heather 🥲

This is before they where gfs 🤭 (i think most of my fics might be like that just cuz its more interesting to write.)

Wednesday watched Enid from afar. She hated her. She hated every little thing about her. Her eye-blinding smile. Her ear-screeching laugh. Her soft,disgustingly colourful hair. The way shes walking over right now. The way shes waving, acting as if shes happy to see the gloomy girl.

"Wednesday! I saw you looking at me! Did you want to join us?" Enid asked hopefully. Wednesday took in a deep breath. "I would rather wear pink then sit with you imbeciles." Wednesday said. Enids smile slowly disappeared. Wednesday stared at her with a clenched jaw. Why did it make her stomach churn when Enids face dropped?

"I suppose i wouldn't kill you if you sat with me though." Wednesday said quietly. Enid stared at her with raised eyebrows and widened eyes. "Well? If you are, hurry and sit down." Wednesday said with a glare. Enid nodded and rushed to Wednesdays side. Wednesday flinched at how Enids arm grazed hers. Wednesday took a deep breath. "Uh-did- did you want any food...?" Enid asked, offering the food on her plate.

Wednesday shook her head. "I don't like sweet foods." Wednesday said, looking at the sugar on the food with a disgusted face. Enid laughed. "Ill keep that in mind i guess." She said before taking a bite out of one of the servings on the plate. " doing anything later? I was thinking we can-like- hang out...?" Enid asked nervously.

Wednesday turned to face her. She looked at Enid for a few seconds. "...Xavier invited me to draw monsters with him.." Wednesday hesitated to say. "Oh...i understand!" Enid said with an obviously fake smile and fake cheery voice. Wednesday cleared her throat. "It would probably be more tolerable to spend time with you instead of Xavier. I...can cancel." Wednesday admitted with a small flutter in her stomach.

Wednesday couldn't believe the words that came out her mouth. She was willing to spend time with Enid? Let alone stop herself from investigating monsters JUST to spend time with Enid? What is this colourful girl doing to her..?!

"No!no its okay! I don't want to ruin your date." Enid winked teasingly. Wednesday pulled a disgusted face with a turn of her lips and narrowed eyes. "Im not interested in him. But i know he has feelings for me. He makes it painfully obvious." Wednesday said through a sickening look.

Enid laughed. " can hang out with me?" Enid asked. Wednesday nodded. "I believe that is what i said."  Wednesday mumbled with rolled eyes, still staring at Enid. Enid turned towards her face. Their noses where almost touching, but none of them moved away. Enid swallowed nervously. "Well-uh-thank you for saying yes...?" Enid said laughing nervously.

Wednesday nodded. She got up. "Next lesson is in 6 minutes." Wednesday paused. "Since we are in the same class...would you like to accompany me by walking to class together?"  Enid laughed. "You couldve just asked if i wanted to walk to class with you." Enid said, getting up. "Is that a yes?" Wednesday asked.

"Yes, Wednesday." Enid said with a slow shake of her head. They walked side by side, Enid talking as Wednesday listened. "And then i hi-... am i annoying you?" She interrupted herself to ask. Wednesday shook her head. "No, carry on with your story. Its quite intriguing." Wednesday urged. Enid grinned before carrying on.

Their fingers and arms kept brushing against each other as they walked and talked. Every time they brushed, Enid would mumble an apology before carrying on with her story. Wednesday hummed every time in response.

"Awe man, i didn't get to tell you the best part!" Enid complained as they stopped outside their class. "You can tell me when we 'hang out' after class. But, do tell me, did you get your revenge on the boy?" Wednesday asked. Enid nodded joyfully.

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