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Song title: uh oh.

Older au- class reunion time!!😇
No one has reunited till this moment! (Unless they are canonically dating/friends like Divina and Yoko and Enid and Ajax-will make sense later dw. The point is Wednesday hasnt talked to anyone except for Eugene...because they are friends.)

Wednesday frowned. "Thing, i know you want to see your immature friends once again but i find no interest in seeing any of them." Wednesday scowled, thinking of seeing any of them makes her want to puke.

It still shakes her up when she thinks of how thing, a severed hand, convinced her to go. Convinced her to get in lurches car and direct him to the location.

"This better be worth it, Thing." Wednesday mumbled. Thing tapped excitedly. He was definitely ready- he had his nails manicured and he used his favourite hand cream.

Wednesday rolled her eyes as Lurch announced their arrival.

"Yeah yeah, lets get this shit over and done with, Thing." Wednesday mumbled, letting Thing follow behind her as she walked through the gates.

God, she hated this place. Her work here was sloppy. Like- seriously, how did she not expect that son of a bitch Tyler to be the Hyde?!

"Oh...my...GOSH?!" She heard someone squeal. Wednesday uncharacteristically smiled when she heard the overly excited voice. Definitely her old roommate,Enid.

Suddenly she felt a presence behind her. She forced her lips to return to normal before she turned. "Ah...my old Roommate." Wednesday spoke evenly. Enid looked like she was about to explode.

Wednesday couldnt help but let a smile show on her face once again. Okay, maybe she missed one person, but thats all. She looked around herself. Thing was greeting Yoko, who was holding onto Divinas arm. She was glad to see that they have stayed together for so long.

She turned back to her previous roommate. She was shaking with excitement. She definitely wanted the one thing Wednesday hated.

Wednesday couldnt help but open her arms. Enid squealed as she engulfed Wednesday in a bone shattering hug. "Oh my gosh, Weds! I missed you so so so so so so so so so much!!!" She spoke in a high pitched voice, maybe even gather a few others attention.

"I..." Wednesday stopped herself. She did in fact miss Enid. It has been so many years, she deserved some release. "I missed you too." She mumbled into Enids shoulder. Enid pulled back. "Did i just hear you right?!" She bounced on her feet, a huge grin splitting her face.

She never even got to take in the other girl. She looked very different, still gorgeous, but different. Her hair was longer- not much more but was a little longer. It was still dyed that iconic blue and pink colour, though.

She wore a white dress, which looked out of place when she looked at Enids muscular arms. When did she get so ripped? Was it because she wolfed out? Or because shes working out?

"Uhm...yeah. I hate to admit it, but i did miss you." She mumbled again. Enid blinked away tears. "No, like- seriously Weds, i thought about you a lot. Like- an embarrassingly amount." Enid admitted, laughing nervously.

Wednesday hummed,smiling at the thought of Enid sleeping to the thought of her. "So, anything interesting?" She asked. Enids smile faltered a little. "I mean, not much. Me and Ajax are still dating." Enid explained with a shrug. Wednesdays eyebrows raised to her hairline. "Is that so? I always thought he wasnt enough for you, i suppose i was wrong." Wednesday said, feeling slightly impressed that the relationship lasted that long.

Enid chuckled nervously. "I mean...my friends say hes not..." Enid sighed. "He cheated on me- twice." She finally admitted. Wednesdays mouth formed into a line. That wasnt surprising.

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