I should be over all the butterflies.

375 11 5

Song:still into you


Wednesday and Enid have been dating for a while now. Secretly, of course. Yoko and the rest of Enids friends think Enid has a crush on Wednesday, unaware that the feelings are reciprocated and confessed between the two.

Enid agreed to keep it on the low for a while, as the hug the two shared is yet to disappear from the students mouths, no doubt in reappearing once the two decide to reveal their secret.

They were currently in fencing class, Wednesday sparring with Bianca, Wednesday would call this way of sparring 'mundane' because no blood or scars were involved. Normal people would call it a non-violent match.

They both had their masks on, covering their faces. Sir refused to let the two spar without headgear again, not wanting Weems (or the new headteacher in this case) to shout at him again.

"Cant you move any faster? My eyes are growing heavy." Bianca asked, smirking under her white gear.

"Your insults are child's play. Was my purpose for precision meant to insult me? Its actually just confirming i am correct in my attempts of precision."she replied, shooting at Biancas shoulder, taking a step back once Bianca dodges effortlessly before hitting the side of Biancas waist, successfully slashing her clothing.


The two of them breathing heavily, both paused in their position, Wednesdays sabre bent to create a semi circle.

"Wednesday has won by 2 points. Good job." The class clap for the two, whooping for Wednesday. Wednesday put down her sabre on the floor. She nodded at Bianca who returned it before walking toward Enid.

Enids cheek was pressed against her own shoulder ,trying to suppress her happiness, swinging back and forth with a bottle of water clasped between her hands, grinning sappily. "You did great, my love. Here, i brought some water before i came!" Enid held the bottle out, waiting for Wednesday to accept.

Wednesday looked down at the bottle before back at Enid. "Thank you." She paused. "That nickname is acceptable. You may continue to use it." She accepted before taking the water bottle, chugging down the contents appreciatively.

Enid nodded happily. "Yay! I got it from when you call me 'mi amore'. You also call me 'ma cherie', but i dont think that's fitting. But, youre my love, because i love you!" Enid giggled out obviously.

Wednesday let a small, so so small, smile show. "I love you too." She admitted back before closing the lid of the water bottle. "You may keep the other half, in case you need it for the rest of the day. I like the torture of forcing myself to stay dehydrated." Wednesday excused.

Enid rolled her eyes playfully, shoving her kindly. "Of course you would." Enid accepted the bottle, taking a mental note on stuffing the half empty bottle into her back somewhere.

"Hows it feel to beat Bianca?" She conversed.

Wednesday smirked. "She got too cocky from our first duel. I was merely tired. However, i have humbled her since then, today being one of those times."

Enid giggled. "You sure did! Im so proud of you!" She exclaimed happily, shaking her girlfriends shoulders.

Wednesday stared at Enid lovingly. Proud. She would hate if it was anyone. Possibly even maim them. But Enid said it like it was the best thing in the world. Like that was her only mission. To make Enid proud.

"Thank you. I appreciate it." She confirmed before taking a step back. "We still have 20 minutes and no one is sparring. Shall we leave?"

"After you." Enid agreed, giggling as Wednesday over-exasperatedly bowed for Enid.

Before the duo could successfully leave, they were stopped by Yoko and Bianca. "Where you two headed?" Yoko asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at Enid jokingly. Enid rolled her eyes half heartedly, the annoyed side of her only annoyed by the fact they couldnt escape.

"Just back to the dorm, maybe grab some food. Chillinnn...haha..." Enid rambled nervously. Wednesday couldnt help but huff, her way of laughing. "Yes. Chilling indeed. However, we do request some quiet, as i am feeling quite peckish today. I would rather be alone in my dorm with Enid then in the last 18 minutes of this class." Wednesday excused, moving to open the door.

Bianca stopped her, her foot stopping the door from opening. "Uh-uh. Dont believe that for a second. You two have been sneaking off as of late, and i am curious. Has Enid cracked Wednesday Addams? Have you finally found how to love and be in a relationship?" She teased.


"What, no?!"

They both spoke at the same time. They looked at eachother.

"What." Enid more stated than asked.

"I am in a loving and healthy relationship with my friend, Enid Sinclair. We sneak off to make friendship bracelets and watch movies together. I find her company to be blissful and calming, her presence is more welcomed than any of you. By a large amount. So, if you would let me open this door so i could watch an episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic in such little time, that would be appreciated." Wednesday spoke confidently, using the shocked and dumbfounded looks of the teasers faces to her advantage by pushing the door open, Biancas foot weakened by the shock.

Enid suppressed a laugh that was bound to explode, keeping it in until they get to the dorm.

The click of the dorm door barely audible before Enid burst into a loud, hearty laughter that would be cherished in Wednesdays heart till the end of times.

"M-my Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!" More laughter. "You seriously remembered the full, exact name?!" She panted a few. "Wow, i cant believe you-" she was cut off by another outburst of laughter. "You-you seriously said those words!" More laughter.

Wednesday was happy on one end that the laughter was of her doing, but slightly embarrassed about why there was laughter.

"I had to make up a lie. Unlike you, who said, and i quote, 'Chillin. Ha. Ha.'" She quoted, meaning the 'Ha. Ha.' To be a resemblance of Enids nervous laugh at the time, but sounded more of a sarcastic laugh from her end.

"I panicked! But i like when you panic. You come up with lies that will make me laugh so hard!" Enid giggled.

Wednesday hummed. "I will keep that in mind." She mentally noted, "however, i would like to sleep for the remaining-" she looked at the clock, "-9 minutes. And some more." She thought for a few moments. "Were skipping next lesson. I know enough about werewolves and you yourself are one, so its no use for us both." She reasoned.

Enid nodded, Wednesday unaware that even if she was the stupidest at a subject, she will skip it to cuddle and sleep with Wednesday without hesitation.


Fluffy, cutesy fic for today with a little, tiny, minuscule comedic element.

Love you guys x

1148 words

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