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Song title: sound of da police

THEY ARE AGED UP(no sexual shit-i think there was a mention of it? I forgot ngl- just drinking and mentions of drugs) AND ARE WORKING AT A POLICE STATION!!
This is HEAVILY based on Brooklyn 99 😭
And i know NOTHING about crime or anything abt these types of things except for the fact that ive watched brooklyn 99 🌚

Anyway- this is an AU (obviously duh??) and would probs not be THAT accurate to the characters.

I still tried to make Wednesday the same cold emotionless girl but i had to make her a little flirty for this to work 😭

Okay enjoy <333

Wednesday watched the slow stream of coffee fill the empty cup under it. She had nothing to do. All her cases were finished and she has all the free time in the world. That should be a good thing, right? Wrong. Wednesday hates free time. She needs to work. Whats the point of getting paid if she sat around drinking coffee all day?

"Good morning cutie!" She heard a voice call out, feeling a warm hand on her waist.

Wednesday rolled her eyes with a sigh. "Not cutie. Never cutie...but, morning to you too. Coffee, extra milk?" Wednesday replied, already getting the coffee ready after taking the cup of coffee from the maker.

Enid kissed Wednesdays cheek softly. "Just that, love. Any luck with getting any cases?" Enid asked, walking so she was side by side to Wednesday, the hand never leaving her waist.

Wednesday crossed her arms with a groan. "Captain said he wants me to work less. If that's the case, i might as well just not be here." Wednesday said stubbornly.

"Dont say that, i dont think i could handle these idiots on my own. And as for Captains wordsssss...maybe hes right. You do work your ass off." Enid said, kindly accepting the coffee Wednesday had handed her, finally taking the hand off Wednesdays waist.

Wednesday sighed. "Whatever." She mumbled as she took a sip out of her own coffee.

Enid smiled softly. "However, i could get boss to assign you to my case? Tony Drants- white male drug dealer who hasnt gotten caught for 7 years, and were going to be the first to catch him....." Enid explained dramatically, her right hand making a curve in the air above them as she talking in a low tone and narrowed eyes, exaggerating the case.

"Stop that. But, i would highly appreciate that." Wednesday nodded approvingly.

Enid smirked. "Say please~" Enid teased, taking a sip out of her now perfect temperature coffee.

Wednesday gave Enid a sidelong glance before sighing. "Please may you ask captain to assign me to your case. And thank you."

Enid smiled proudly. "Of course, cutie!" Enid grinned as she took another sip out of her coffee, purposefully aggravating Wednesday.

Wednesday clenched her jaw. She drank the rest of her coffee before placing it on the counter. "You call me that one more time and i will make sure you wont be able to say anything ever again." Wednesday promised with crossed arms.

Enid scoffed. "Wow, threatening me in a police station?! That is low, i can get you arrested,cutie." Enid joked, placing her half-done coffee on the counter to grow cold.

Wednesday smirked as she walked closer to Enid. "But you wont," Wednesday stated as she placed a hand on Enids cheek, pulling her down. "Because you like me." Wednesday finished, kissing Enid softly.

Enid kissed her back with no hesitation,placing her hands on Wednesdays hips. "I do. A lot." Enid whispered before pulling her in for an even more passionate kiss.

Enid is the girl that i want to kiss...Where stories live. Discover now