Your loving, i need more.

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Song:the party & the after partly

This is a nerd X flirty popular jock au which was requested a long time ago and only now remembered it because i saw some fanart of it  😭😭😭 i might re do this because its arse and where they arent secretly dating 😭(They are in this fic)


"Hey cutie" Enid teased as she leaned against the locker next to Wednesdays.

Wednesday closed her locker as she sighed. "I have warned you multiple times. No nicknames." Wednesday said tiredly, looking up at the girl who was grinning widely.

"Oh, come on, i know you love it." Enid winks, her hand reaching for the lollipop in her mouth that was muffling her words.

She pulled it out of her mouth, the grin still on her face.

"I do not love it, in fact, i despise it." Wednesday insisted.

Enid smirked and put the lolipop near Wednesdays mouth. "Its blackcurrant. Your favourite." Enid winked.

Wednesday huffed, backing away. "Thats very unhygienic." Wednesday insisted.

Enid raised an eyebrow. "So you can make out with m-" Wednesday quickly opened her mouth, popping the sweet in between her lips as she glared at Enid.

Enid laughed, pulling the lollipop from Wednesdays mouth and placing it back into hers.

"I just wanted to tease you. This is my lollipop, if you wanted one you shouldve brought one." Enid teased.

Wednesday scowled at her girlfriend. "Dont be so cocky now." She gritted out.

Enid laughed, before Wednesday added. "watch in our dorm."

Enid paled, her eyes wide as she quickly removed the sweet from her mouth and placing it back into Wednesdays.

Wednesday let a small smile show proudly.

Enid huffed in fake anger. "I-"

"EEEE-NID!" Yoko shouted, holding out her hand in a handshake gesture, which Enid quickly returned. "YO-KOOO" she matched the energy immediately.

Wednesday watched as she swirled the candy in her mouth.

The duo giggled at the dramatic entrance. "You excited for the test today?" Enid asked.

Yoko blinked. "Test. Right. Test." Yoko chuckled nervously. Enid sighed. "You can take my notes.."

Wednesday ignored the rest of the conversation, not finding much interest. She was more focused on the black current flavour. It was sweet but rather sour, which caused pain in her lower gums. It was a delight.

"Yo, Enid, i thought you normally bring a lollipop, why does Wednesday have it?" Yoko questioned when the conversation died down.

Enid looked over to Wednesday who was still standing there, text books pushed to her chest as she swirled said lollipop in her mouth, a smirk shown through the stick, as if to say 'how are you going to explain that?'

Enid licked her lips, suddenly going dry as she was nervous. "I saw the flavour and it reminded me of Wednesday or...whatever." She cleared her throat awkwardly, switching her position by leaning against the locker and tapping her foot anxiously. "So i just brought it for her. Only because i had a few extra cents and i didnt want to carry useless cents in my pocket, duh." Enid scoffed out as she chuckled.

Yoko nodded slowly. "Righttt...thats cool, i was just asking." Yoko spoke suspiciously, a raised eyebrow questioning the both of them. "So why didnt i get one? Does vanilla not remind you of me?" Yoko teased, smelling her wrists to emphasise the point, the vanilla perfume that stuck to her skin was prominent enough even if her wrists werent near her face. Wednesday always called it sickeningly sweet.

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