Fuck you, can i have this dance?

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song: L.E.S by Donald Grover

"Can i have this dance?" Wednesday extended her right hand, a mischievous glint in her eyes, a slight smirk playing at her lips.

Why would Wednesday, Enids one and only enemy, approach her and ask for a dance? As if there werent men and women staring at her with literal heart eyes? As if she wasnt the hottest women in the dance right now?

Enid narrowed her eyes at the girl.

Multiple people had asked her out today, and Enid watched her decline every single one of them with an emotionless expression. Enid couldnt deny it was amusing to see everyone try and get the stoic girl to dance with her.

Enid had been sat in the corner of the dance, swirling the red wine in her glass as she watched everyone dance, not having anyone to talk to or dance with.

So, whats the harm of accepting this dance? Even thought she is her enemy, and rejecting her in front of all these jealous eyes would be a dream, but what would be the fun of that?

Why not play with Wednesday for a little?

Enid returned the smirk that played on Wednesdays black-coloured lips, slowly lifting her hand to gracefully land on Wednesdays open palm.

"Lead the way, madam." Enid spoke gently as to not startle the other woman. You could describe her voice as mocking, but to anyone else looking it would look like she meant it.

Wednesday gripped Enids hand tighter, pulling her slightly as she did as Enid said, leading them both to the dance floor where all the couples mingled.

Wednesday stared into Enids eyes as she placed her free hand on Enids hip, the other still connected their hands. Enid followed Wednesdays movements, her own hand making it to Wednesdays shoulder.

"Whyd you ask for the dance?" Enid asked as they slowly swayed to the beat of the slow music.

"Whyd you accept?" She replied with another question, smirking expectantly.

Enid narrowed her eyes, her hand gripping Wednesdays shoulder a little tighter. "Touché." She gritted out. God, why did she actually accept this stupid dance? She shouldve humiliated the girl instead.

"You looked quite lonely down there. Did you not bring a date, or was i right? No one wanted to go with you, hm?" Wednesday asked, intentionally trying to piss off the wolf.

To Enids dismay, she was successful, her eyebrows furrowing in anger. "I chose not to bring a partner on my own accord. You cant talk though, right? Youre dancing with me and not yours, where is he? Probably dead in a ditch somewhere, hm?" She hummed the end mockingly, using Wednesdays own words against her.

Wednesday smirked wider. "I brought a date, but she was quite the bore." She said as she let go of Enids hip, spinning their conjoined hands so Enid spun until Wednesday pulled her flush into Wednesdays front. "No one could entertain me as you do, Enid." Wednesday whispered teasingly into Enids ear before she pulled them apart, returning to their starting position.

Enid blushed. "Thats rude, isnt it? Your date must be devastated. Like all your past lovers, am i right?" Enid tried to aggravate the girl.

Wednesday chuckled darkly. "My lovers were far from devastated. More like heavily pleased, if you understand what i mean." Wednesday winked. "However, the girl in question is dancing with another right now." Wednesday said matter-of-factly.

Enid huffed. "You turned down all those other people, why dance with me? Am i so irresistible?" Enid teased, switching the uncomfortable topic.

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