Baby, im yours.

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Song title: im yours

Wednesday watched at Enid sat and talked with the other girls at the party. Enid had forced her to come along, but assured her she wouldnt have to talk. She was true to her promise, but seeing her interact with other girls made her feel....jealous. Especially that one girl. That girl, that had her hand on Enids knee,laughing at every single word that left Enids mouth.

That girl. And, if her observations of Enid where correct, Enid was very uncomfortable. Nervous laughs, shifting away, and her eyes kept glancing down at the hand. Wednesday cant just sit there and watch her girlfriend being seduced by another woman.

Wednesday walked over to the two. Enid smiled at her, waving at her joyfully.

"Willa! You changed you mind?"

Wednesday ignored her, glaring at the girl next to her, who surprisingly glared back. "No. I just missed you." Wednesday said. Which surprised both Enid and Wednesday.

"Aweee, you missed me? How cute!" Enid said, getting up from her seat and moving closer to Wednesday. She watched as the girls hand left her knee, almost letting a victorious smile slip. "Im not cute." Wednesday answered Enid.

"Lets not start this conversation again." Enid said almost mockingly. Wednesday playfully rolled her eyes. Enid looked back at the other girl.

"Oh, right! Tiffany, this is Wednesday, Willa, this is Tiffany!" Enid introduced the two. Wednesday hummed. "Hello." Wednesday greeted, no intention to start a conversation. Tiffany gave her a painfully obvious fake smile. "Hi." she said before she got up. She reached out her arm, offering a handshake.

Wednesday looked down at the hand. "Ah...Willa doesnt really like physical contact." Enid said nervously. Wednesday nodded her head with raised, smug eyebrows.

"But shes holding hands with you?" Tiffany asked with a raised eyebrow. "Well..." Enid said before Wednesday spoke for her. "We are partners. Romantically." Wednesday turned her face to Enid and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"See?" Wednesday asked rhetorically. Tiffany shrugged her shoulders and huffed in annoyance. "Well, im going to go talk to some other people, bye Enid!" She said before she walked towards another group of people.

"What happened to 'i dont want to show affection in public', hm?" Enid asked, fully turning her body towards Wednesday. Wednesday turned her body towards Enid. "Youre just too hard to resist." Wednesday said before she leaned into a kiss. Enid put a finger inbetween them, forcing her to kiss the tip of her finger instead of Enids lips.

"Tell me the real reason, Wednesday." Enid said with raised,demanding eyebrows. Wednesday clenched her jaw. "I...she was flirting with you. I just wanted her to know that you have a loving partner."  Wednesday said. Enid smiled, giggling a little before removing her finger from inbetween them and giving Wednesday a kiss. "And you say you arent adorable." Enid said. Wednesday sighed.

"Why do you keep insisting im adorable."

"Its just the truth!"

"How is my jealousy adorable, Sinclair?"

"It shows im yours." Enid whispers, a smirk on her face. Enid knows how to make Wednesday flustered. Shes the only person who does. And she knows that saying that would make her flustered. Wednesday tried her best to fight the red painting her face. It was no use. Wednesday hid her face in Enids shoulder.

"Dont hide your beautiful face from me."

"Enid, stop."

"Stop what?"

"Making this in public."

"Like what?"

"...making me like...i dont know."

"Yes you do." Enid pulled Wednesdays head from her shoulder. "Just admit it, Willa."

"Flustered. Stop making me flustered."

"Good girl."

Wednesday buried her head back into Enids shoulder. She let out a little groan.

"Oh, sorry, i didn't know you liked praise." Enid whispers in Wednesdays ear. She chuckled quietly.  Wednesday took her head out of Enids shoulder.

"we are going back to our dorm."

"What? No!-"

"It wasnt a question."

"Wednesdayyyy!" She complained as she got dragged out of the hosts room.


"Wednesday! I was having fun at the party!" Enid frowns.

"You-we-i want to- fuck..." Wednesday stuttered.
Wednesday never stutters. What has Enid done to her?!

"Slow down!" Enid said, grabbing hold of both her elbows. "Now tell me." Enid said with a reassuring smile.

"....i want..we should..ugh i hate having to ask for something so...disgusting."

" me if you can?"

Wednesday stared at her for a few seconds. Wednesday grabbed the back of Enids neck and pulled her in for a kiss.

After the kiss, Enid took a few seconds to breath. "You wanted...a kiss?"


"....but i just asked you to show me?"

Wednesday sighed. She pointed towards the bed, then pointed at Enid, then at herself. Enid raised her eyebrows.

"Sleep..? OH! Cuddles!!"

"Yes. You're correct."

"Oh! Okay! Why didnt you just say so?"

"I dont like stuff.. im still new to it."

"Okay babycakes!"


Enid frowned.

"Whatever." Wednesday said, which is equivalent
to "fine, you can carry on calling me that."

Enid smiled before she pulled Wednesday to her bed.

Sorry for the terrible, 6am writing 😕 i swear i would try post good ones soon 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽im currently working on a smut which is taking forever because i simply do not know how to write smut 💀 anyway-

887 wordsss 😊😊❤️❤️❤️

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