I dont like being alone

599 17 41

Song title:deep


Wednesday hated how soft she had gotten ever since the hyde incident. Just because she hugged one colourful,tired and crying girl? Just because she wanted to protect that girl from danger, and make sure she was okay and healed by the end of the night? Just because she wanted to make sure no one saw her body because she knew she was insecure? Just because that girl was Enid?

It was entirely pathetic. How soft she had gotten. Well- not that much. She was still an absolute bitch to Bianca in fencing and would kill Xavier at any given moment. Maybe it was just Enid. But she was also nicer to Yoko- or was that also because of Enid? Because Yoko was Enids best friend who could break her heart with a simple "i dont want to be your friend anymore."?

But, she knew Yoko would never do that. Yoko was too soft. Just like how Wednesday was turning.

For example, ever since the night, she would let Enid touch her more. Let her hold her hands for a mere 30 seconds or so when they were late to class or another stupid event. Let her hug her for even less time when something exciting happened to her. Let her kiss her cheek that one time to prove to Ajax that it was normal to kiss her friends.

And, like you mustve expected, she had fallen for Enid deeply. What could you expect when Wednesday Addams was so untouched for years, then Enid came along and broke down enough walls to kiss her and make her swoon uncharacteristically? What could you expect when Enid Sinclair had touched the touch-starved Wednesday Addams?

"Wednesday, can you come here?"  Enid grumbled tiredly.

Wednesday hummed, letting her writing time get distracted was also so soft of her. She would kill anyone who would even mention it before, but now? She couldnt stand the thought of Enid being sad.

She got off of her chair and stood by Enids bed in a matter of seconds. "Is something wrong? Do you need me to...massage you again?" Wednesday grimaced at the idea of touching up Enids back and shoulders again, it was truly uncomfortable. On her end. Enid was enjoying it thoroughly.

She giggled. "No, but you might hate me even more for this request.." Enid mumbled, reaching out a hand to rest on Wednesdays wrist. Wednesday looked down at it for maybe two seconds before looking back into Enids eyes. "Hm. I somehow find that likely. What is this request?" Wednesday sighed out.

Enid smiled. "Im only asking, you obviously dont have to.." Enid whispered whole-heartedly.

Wednesday rolled her eyes, knowing she would feel bad and do Enids request either way. "Yes, Enid, now-what is it?" Wednesday asked.

"Can you...uh..c-..." she paused. "Can you uhm you know..cuddle with me?" She finally let out, a breathe of relief following.

Wednesday blinked. "Cuddle? Enid, i know you are child-like but the word has to be too babyish even for you, isnt it?" Wednesday asked in disbelief, taking off the jacket she had on to join Enid.

Enid chuckled. "Thats the only problem you have with that request?" Enid asked smugly.

"Enid, youre insufferable for thinking i would care after all the things we have been through together, it is truly disgusting how...soft you made me." Wednesday inquired as she crawled over Enid to lie next to the wall. "However, i still get the wall side." Wednesday said, leaving no space for an argument.

Enid grinned as she shuffled to look Wednesday in the eyes.

They stared at eachother for a few seconds after Wednesday settled.

"Cuddle. Seriously, Enid?" Wednesday gritted out the word one last time, making Enid groan and stuff her head into Wednesdays neck. "Dude, get over ittt!" Enid begged into Wednesdays neck.

Enid is the girl that i want to kiss...Where stories live. Discover now