One kiss is all it takes!

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song title:one kiss

Enid had been crushing on Wednesday for months, but had never managed to work up the courage to ask her out. Wednesday was known for being distant and introverted, and Enid often felt intimidated by her.

Finally, after much encouragement from her friends, Enid decided to take the plunge and ask Wednesday out on a date. To her surprise, Wednesday agreed.

Enid spent the whole day leading up to the date preparing. She picked out her cutest outfit, did her hair and makeup to perfection, and even brought along a black and white bouquet of roses.

When she arrived at the small cafe where she was meeting Wednesday, Enid was practically bouncing with excitement. But as soon as she saw Wednesday sitting at the table, all of her confidence slowly drained away.

Wednesday looked as gloomy as ever in her all-black outfit and black lipstick. She barely even looked up as Enid approached the table,still staring at the empty plate in front of her.

"Hey," Enid said nervously, holding out the bouquet of flowers. "These are for you."

Wednesday took the flowers without a word, but Enid could sense she didnt seem impressed. She tried to start a conversation, but each attempt was met with a one-word answer and a deepening scowl on Wednesday's face.

Despite her best efforts, Enid couldn't get Wednesday to crack even the smallest of smiles. She tried telling jokes, recounting funny stories, and even ,after careful consideration,pulling silly faces, but all to no avail.

Finally, they finished their coffee and headed out. Enid was feeling disheartened and embarrassed, sure that the date had been a complete disaster.

But then, as they were leaving the cafe, Wednesday hesitated. She turned to face Enid and stared at her for about 3 seconds. Enid stared back, not sure if Wednesday was mustering up some confidence to do something. Wednesday took a small step forward and sighed. She didnt have the courage to ask what she wanted, she just did it. She kissed Enid ever so slowly.

It was a tense moment. Enid could feel Wednesday's lips trembling against hers, as if she were about to burst into tears. But then, just for a split second after the kiss,Wednesday broke into a small smile.

It was the most beautiful thing Enid had ever seen. In that moment, she felt a surge of hope that maybe, just maybe, Wednesday was starting to let her walls down.

They parted ways with a promise to see each other again. Enid couldn't wait to keep trying to make Wednesday smile....


...Over the next few weeks, Enid and Wednesday started dating more regularly. Enid was determined to make Wednesday smile again, and she tried everything she could think of.

She brought her to the happiest places in town, tried to make her laugh with silly jokes, and even cooked her favorite meals. But Wednesday remained solemn and distant, barely even talking to Enid sometimes.

The silence between them was palpable, and Enid was beginning to feel like she was failing. She had never had trouble making people laugh and feel at ease, but with Wednesday, it was different.

One evening, after yet another unsuccessful attempt to get Wednesday to smile, Enid decided to confront her about what was going on.

"Wednesday, I care about you a lot. But it's hard for me to feel like you're really here with me when you're so guarded and distant all the time. Is there something on your mind you want to talk about?"

Wednesday looked at her for a few long moments, then seemed to make a decision.

"I know I haven't been very fun to be around lately. It's just, there are things going on in my life that I don't feel ready to talk about yet. I don't want to be a downer all the time, but it's hard for me to shake off the weight of what I'm carrying."

Enid felt a surge of empathy for Wednesday. She hadn't realized that something so significant was going on in her life.

"Hey, Wednesday, I'm here for you. Whatever it is, we can work through it together. And you don't have to be happy-go-lucky all the time for me to care about you. I care about you even when you're sad."

Wednesday looked up at her, her normally stoic expression wobbling a little.

"Thank you, Enid," she said quietly. "That means a lot to me."

Over the next few weeks, Enid and Wednesday started opening up more to each other. Wednesday began to share some of the difficult things she had been going through, and Enid listened with compassion and love.

And finally, one evening, as they were sitting on Enid's couch playing a board game, Wednesday leaned over and kissed her again.

This time, it was soft and gentle, full of the trust and connection they had built up over the past months. And when they pulled apart, both of them were smiling.

It wasn't the huge, ecstatic smile that Enid had been hoping for, but it was enough. It was a smile that told her that their relationship was real, and that they could face anything together.

Enid felt her own eyes well up with joy and relief.

"Hey," she said softly. "What do you say we start planning our next date?"

Wednesday gave her a small, shy smile.

"I'd like that," she said.


912 words this is so short and bad but i tried my hardest to make it different.

Enid is the girl that i want to kiss...Where stories live. Discover now