Baby,you light up the world like nobody else.

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Title song: what makes you beautiful.

Wednesday finally strolled into the dorm room. Enid hasn't seen Wednesday in the morning, were Wednesday would be greeting her fully dressed. However,when she walked in, she was fully dressed and her hair was in perfect braids. She was holding two different drinks. Dark coffee and a bright pink drink.

"Hello, Enid. I see you woke up." Wednesday said, closing the door with her feet. "I brought you your unicorn drink with 2 extra spoons of sugar." Wednesday said. Enid grinned at Wednesday. "You remembered my order!" Enid exclaimed, her hair still a mess as she hasn't brushed her hair yet. She rushed over to Wednesday and took a sip of the drink from Wednesdays hand. Enid beamed. "Youre so amazing!" Enid said, giving a kiss to Wednesdays lips before taking the colourful drink out of her hand to hold in her own.

Wednesday grimaced at the taste of sugar left on her lips by the blonde. She watched as Enid brushed her hair out and drank her drink in between brushes. "Do you want my assistance? It would be much quicker." Wednesday suggested. Enid smiled softly and nodded.

Wednesday sat on the bed behind Enid, taking the brush out of her hand. "Tell me if i pull too hard." Wednesday mumbled. She sipped some of her coffee before gently brushing Enids hair out. She went from side to side, making sure she got ever tangle and knot. She picked up the dry shampoo from the desk.

"Close your eyes. And cover your drink."Wednesday warned. Enid did so, nodding to show shes ready.

Wednesday sprayed Enid's hair, avoiding her face. "Turn around." Wednesday demanded. Enid shuffled so she was facing Wednesday. "Head up." Wednesday commanded. Enid looked up,obeying her girlfriends command. Wednesday held Enids bangs in her hand, spraying the hair before styling the delicate strands how Enid normally would.  "Do you want some clips in your hair?" Wednesday asked. Enid thought for a second before nodding with a smile.

Wednesday took some clips lying on the bed. She placed some on the side of Enids head,careful not to pull on the hair. She then took off her bag and opened it. Enid watched curiously as Wednesday pulled out a clip with a black skull on it. "To show i did your hair. Like a signature." Wednesday said.

Enid blushed and nodded joyfully. Wednesday clipped the unfinished part of Enids hair. She closed her bag. "Go look in the mirror. Inform me if there are any imperfections." Wednesday said after taking a sip of her now warm drink. Enid looked in the mirror examining her hair. "Its perfect, Wends!" She turned around, rushing to Wednesday.

She prepared herself for a hug. Instead, Enid held her arms out, asking for a hug. Wednesday looked down at her arms before looking back up at Enids face. She cleared her throat before placing the empty coffee cup on Enids desk. She stepped forward and lightly placed her arms around Enids neck, her head resting on Enids shoulder. Enid smiled and hugged her back, tighter then Wednesdays grasp, but she hugged her back regardless.

They stayed like that for a minute or two before Wednesday pulled away. Enid pouted sadly, but understood that they had class. Wednesday hesitated before pulling Enid down for a small kiss. Enid was surprised, but kissed back. " me first.." Enid said, touching her lips as if she imagined it. Wednesday gave a single nod before turning around. "Grab your drink so we could get to lesson. We are later then our schedule time to leave the dorm. By 2 minutes."  Wednesday stated.

Enid nodded, taking her drink before returning to Wednesdays side.

After class, they had free period. Because Enid was Wednesdays 'buddy' principle Weems assigned her to be, they had free periods and lessons together. Enid waited for Wednesday to finish showing of her ability to memorise plants.

"Wednesday." Enid interrupted Her. Wednesday looked up at Enid from her desk. "Its free period. We're leaving." Enid said.

"I decide when i leave and dont leave, Enid. Dont tell me what to do." Wednesday protested.

"Wednesday. We're leaving. Now." Enid said sternly. There was a silence. Everyone in the class was waiting for Wednesday to start shouting or hurt the blonde, but instead she packed her notebooks and pens into her bag and left the classroom. Enid gave an awkward and apologetic look before walking after Wednesday.

"Enid. Don't embarrass me like that." Wednesday
Said, a slight hint embarrassment on her face. Enid rolled her eyes. "Listen to me the first time then, Wends! The class was waiting to be dismissed, and im the only person,not including your family, that could make you do things. And make sure you do them without hurting me." Enid said,adding on the last bit.

Wednesday scoffed. "You only made me do one thing, you're not special."  Wednesday said. Enid raised an eyebrow. "Im not special? Im your girlfriend. I can make you fold with a kiss." Enid stated, growing confidence all of a sudden. Wednesdays eyebrows raised.

"No yo-"

"You know i can."

"...prove it."

"In public? Isnt that too embarrassing for my little tiny girlfriend?" Enid took a step forward, backing Wednesday into the wall near the classroom door. Wednesday stood strong, not letting any emotions show. "Or do you like when i embarrass you, babe." Enid whispered, only quite enough for Wednesday to hear. Wednesday couldn't hide her blush anymore. She turned her head, not wanting to make eye contact. Enid giggled, knowing she won.

"Huh, i won one of our bets!" Enid said happily, pulling away from Wednesday. "You cheated." Wednesday mumbled. Enid raised an eyebrow. "How so?" Enid asked curiously. "You called me..babe. And you've never called me that before. Thats cheating." Wednesday said, crossing her arms, trying to dominate the situation.

"Theres rules to flirting now?" Enid asked with a smirk. Wednesday paused, not knowing how to respond. She swallowed the lump in her throat. "We're wasting our free period. Lets go."  Wednesday said, officially defeated.

Enid smiled and went to Wednesdays side. "Would it make you feel better if i called you babe more often?" Enid asked. Wednesday seemed to be thinking for a second. "Perhaps." Wednesday played along to the flirtatious banter. "Hm, really?" Enid asked, wapping an arm around Wednesdays shoulder. Wednesday cringed, not liking the feeling. She took the arm of her shoulder, taking the hand instead and holding her girlfriends hand with little grip.

"Mhm." Wednesday answered Enid. "Okay, babe." Enid said, smiling with joy. Wednesday coughed. "Or not. It might just make me feel embarrassed.." Wednesday forced the word out her throat. Wednesday Addams is never embarrassed. Enid laughed. "You already agreed, babe!" Enid exclaimed teasingly. Wednesday rolled her eyes. "Where are we going, Enid?" Wednesday asked, confused.

"Benches! Unless you want to go back to the dorms or something..?" Wednesday shook her head.

Id go anywhere as long as im with you. Wednesday thought, visibly cringing at her own thoughts.

Ew, what has Enid done to me...?

1192 words.

Guys, you dont understand the utter joy that appears on my face when i see the words "____ voted for ____" and "_____ added Enid Is The Girl That I Want To Kiss.. to _____" it makes me SO happy to know ppl actually enjoy the shit i make!!!! But please do comment like suggestions or requests because im kinda running out of ideas 🥲 but i seriously love you guys sm, not even an exaggeration. Ik lots of people say stuff like that but to the 3-4 people that are actually reading and voting for this stuff, i love you guys sm (and the people who read it in general lol)!!! Ik most ppl would read this all but if you do i BEG you guys to comment requests and/or suggestions on making my writing better.

Love youuu <333

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