I love going ice-skating with you.

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Song: Snowflakes (never listened to this js need a song that has the words ice skating 😭)

Went ice skating recently with my friend and had to write it 😭


Wednesday fell down again. She huffed angrily, lying in a star-shape as she gave up, secretly wondering, what would happen if someone slid over my fingers right now?

"Need some help?" A woman asked, stopping infront of her, causing shredded ice to lay on her face.

Wednesday glared at the girl, blowing the snow out of her face. "Id rather lay here and suffer in this temperature." Wednesday spoke with a straight face.

The colourful girl giggled as she held out a hand, balancing impressively. How could she stand on ice when im falling while holding onto the railings?

Wednesday eventually huffed, held onto the painstakingly pink glove of the woman and used the girls weight to get up. Wednesday shuffled a little on the ice, holding onto the womans other hand to support herself, slightly panicking.

"Ive got you, ive got you." The blonde girl reassured with an amused smile.

Wednesday wanted to feel embarrassed, but she was more nervous on falling. "Lets take you to the railing and help you out, yeah?" The girl asked.

Wednesday couldnt do much but nod. Enid smiled once more before she focused on Wednesdays feet. Somehow, she managed to make it near the centre of the rink, Wednesday wasnt sure how either as she slipped near the railings.

She let go of one of Wednesdays hand, making the girl squeal and grab onto the other girls shoulder desperately.

Enid couldnt help but giggle lightly. "I cant walk with you backward." She admitted. Well, she could- but not with an inexperienced skater.

Wednesday huffed as she regained as much balance as she could, hesitantly letting go of the blondes shoulder.

"Look down, and march small steps. Im holding onto you, so dont worry about falling, okay? If you do, im right here." The girl said softly, feeling Wednesday squeeze her hand as she started marching without a response.

Enids free hand hovered over Wednesdays back softly, making sure she wouldnt fall.

Wednesday successfully marched toward the railing, the other girl following and holding onto her protectively.

Suddenly, Wednesdays eyes went wide and she started wobbling, back and fourth, back and fourth until-


She fell right on top of the other girl, face first.

Wednesday opened her eyes, wide and worried. The girl beneath her looked up at Wednesday, giggling.

"Im Enid, by the way." She giggled out.

Wednesday didnt understand why she thought that was the perfect time to exchange names, but she replied with, "My names Wednesday."

Enid nodded as best as she could. "Think you could roll over?"  Wednesday grunted as she successfully but sloppily rolled onto her back.

Enid got up effortlessly, offering a hand to Wednesday once again who took it without hesitation.

She balanced, before switching onto the railing that was much closer now. Enid let go of Wednesday, staring at the girl as she turned to face Enid, still holding onto the railing behind her.

"Ready?" Enid asked.

"For what?" Wednesday responded.

"To learn, silly!" Enid said, taking Wednesdays hands softly.

Wednesday didnt expect that, her eyes wide as she almost lost balance once more. Enid pulled her closer, practically hugging the girl. "Ive got you, Wednesday, dont worry." Enid said once more.

Wednesday breathed a deep breathe. Why was this so hard for her?

"You did a good job with marching, you should be proud of yourself." Enid said with a soft and bright smile.

Wednesday stared at the other girl, feeling a sense of joy at the words. "Lets get a stance going. Knees bent." She bent her knees only a little. "Chin up to find the centre mass." She lifted her chin up. "Then let go of my hands and stand still for as long as you can." Enid said, making sure Wednesday let go of her hands so she was ready.

She watched as she held her breath before letting go.

Enid saw an almost smile make its way onto Wednesdays face.  "There we go!"

Enid spent most of the session teaching Wednesday techniques on how to move on the ice and how to get comfortable.

"Do you trust me?" Enid asked as she held onto Wednesdays hands. Wednesday hesitated. Did she trust Enid? This early on? She just met the woman...


"Yes." She replied eventually.

Enid nodded. "Okay, good luck." Enid said with a grin.

Wednesday furrowed her brows. "Wha-" before she could finish, her mouth let out a small scream as Enid let go of one of her hands, only holding onto one as they both glided on the ice slowly.

"Remember left, right, left, right." Enid shouted, enough to be heard over the music.

Wednesday quickly remember the techniques after being thrown into skating randomly. "Left,right,left,right..." she mumbled as she glided.

Enid grinned proudly. "Youre doing it!" She shouted proudly.

Wednesday couldnt help but smile softly. "Im doing it." She spoke with less enthusiasm, but you could tell she was happy.

Enid giggled happily as she pulled Wednesday in front of her, holding onto her with two hands now, looking her straight in the eye. "It was fun teaching you!" Enid grinned out.

Wednesday nodded. "It was nice being taught by you." She admitted.

Enid smiled wider. "Do you want to go out later? To eat or something?" She asked almost nervously.

Wednesday looked her up and down, before nodding. "Yeah. I would enjoy that."


So cute theyre literally married with 2 cats and 1 dog in the future fr

929 words ☺️

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