Romantic lover,there is no other.

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Song title:romantic lover

"Willa! Im going out!"

Wednesday turned around, leaving her typewriter and walking over the Enid.

"Where and why?" Wednesday asked, reaching for Enids hands.

"Im going to that place we went to like-a day before? I dont remember the name but im going to meet someone there."

Wednesday nods, humming in acknowledgment.

"Have fun,be back by 5,okay?" Wednesday lifts Enids hands, placing a kiss on the back of each one. Enid beamed, kissing wednesdays cheeks before giving her a quick peck on her lips.

"Have fun and eat well,cara mia." Wednesday said, letting go of her girlfriends hands.

"I will, bye! I love you!"

"I love you too."

Just like that, Enid leaves her alone. Wednesday goes back to her seat and writes for another hour.


5:27. Enid agreed on coming home at 5, or did Wednesday not say that? Wednesday sighs. She takes out her phone. She didnt want it to come to this, but it was her only way, that didn't cost her interrupting her little meet and greet as much, to contact Enid.



Its almost 5:30, are you alright?

Do you want me to pick you up?

She didnt answer straight away. She answered at 5:32, to be exact.


OMG!Sorry willa lost track od tume im omw

Please dont start killing anyone babe😘


I will come pick you up, Cara mia.

Are you still at the food place?


Awww! You odnt have to

It would be a hastle


I insist.

Stay there.

Ill be there in 5 minutes.

Wednesday smirked at the spelling mistakes before she threw on a jacket and boots before she planned on meeting Enid at her current location.


"Willa! Youre here!!"

Enid beamed when she heard the bell on the door ring. Wednesdays eyes softened and opened her arms for a hug. Enid smiled and hugged her for a few seconds.

"Look! This is one of my annoying brothers!"

Wednesday looked over Enids shoulder. Blonde haired boy with a grin. Enid but the opposing gender.

"Interesting." Wednesday said before looking at Enid. Wednesday gave Enid a look. Enid nodded happily. Wednesday nodded in acknowledgment.

"How come your 4 other siblings couldnt meet you?" Wednesday asked.

"Mom wouldnt let them all go out." Enid replied.

The blonde headed boy behind her nodded. Wednesday drew in a deep breath. She walked towards the blonde boy. She held out her hand.

"Wednesday Addams."

"U-uh Sinclair- Ethan Sinclair!"

He took her hand and shook it rather aggressively. Wednesday fought the urge to pull away. Once he was done, she pulled away, turning towards Enid.

"I hope you guys had a good time catching up?"

They both nod happily. Gosh, handling 2 kid-like teenagers is hard.

Enid walked up to Wednesday and wrapped her arms around one of Wednesdays.

"Curfews is soon, we should go. And mom would shout at you if your not home before 6."

Ethan nodded before they said their byes. Ethan walked out before the couple did.

"How was your day, Willa? Did you and thing go anywhere?"

"No, we talked after my writing time though. Hes interesting when you arent around."

"Is that a compliment towards the BOTH of us?!"
Enid teased.

"Dont push it, Sinclair."

Enid laughed, she placed a kiss of Wednesdays cheek. "As much as i love my brother, having to deal with someone like me is SO tiring!" Enid exaggerated, leaning into Wednesday.

Wednesday smirked. "How do you think i feel?"
Enid scoffed. "But you love me! Thats a different situation!"

"Dont you love your brother?" Wednesday teased.

"I mean romantically idiot!" Enid nudged Wednesday jokingly. Wednesday let a tint of a smile show on her lips.


Enid sat on her bed, watching Wednesday put her socks on. "God, today was sooo tiring! If only a warm,cozy body could warm me up on this cold,hard bed!"

Wednesday looked up at her. "Im not sleeping on that monstrosity. Come to my bed."

Enid grinned and skipped over to Wednesday's bed.

Enid kissed Wednesday's forehead after they got in a comfortable position.

"Goodnight, Wen."

"Night, Sinclair."

Okay im going to try publish good ones now

708 words

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