You are my home for all my seasons. <3

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Song title: snowman

Gunna try get this to at least 2000 words😦(at least, so it might be more maybe 2000-3500? If it gets over 3000 ill make part 2) im ngl this is kinda rushed

Enid groaned as she lied down on her bed. Enid had spent the last half an hour ranting about how having to go back home would mean having to confront her parents on wolfing out and being lesbian. Wednesday had wanted to suggest this idea since she started ranting, now that she has her chance, she wasn't going to miss it..


Enid hummed.

"Come home with me."

Enid shot up from her bed. She rushed over to Wednesdays side of the room.

"Really?! What about your parents and brother? Would they allow it? Would YOU allow it or are you just asking out of pity?!" Enid rambled.

Wednesday stood up from her bed and walked toward Enid. "My parents would adore you and would want you to come around one day, even if it meant staying for winter break. Pugsley would love having a nicer older sister. And me, why would i not want you around? My parents are a pain, but you would make it less of a pain."

Enids eyes watered, almost unnoticeable but they did water. "I love you." Enid whispered. Wednesdays eyes softened. "I love you too, Enid." Wednesday said. She pulled Enids hands toward her and gave each of them a small kiss. "Youre all packed for monday than?" Wednesday asked.Enid nodded. Wednesdays eyes went back to its normal deadpan stare. "We have the whole weekend to prepare. I will warn you, my mother and father would probably shower you with love."

Enid smiled. "Thats okay!"


"Oh god, im so nervous! Imagine they think im annoy-" Wednesday cut her off with a kiss before she could start rambling.

"Sinclair. I told you my family would adore you. You're perfect for me and them."

Enid blushed and smiled, returning the kiss.

They where standing outside, waiting for lurches car to come.

Beep beep

Speak of the devil. "Theyre here." Wednesday turned toward Enid. "Just be yourself, Cara Mia."
Enid nodded nervously. Enid gripped Wednesdays hand tighter and Wednesdays mother and Father walked towards the pair.

"Hello Wednesday and, if i remember correctly, Enid?" Enid nodded at Morticias assumption. Morticia looked down at their intertwined hands. She raised her eyebrows and turned to Wednesday.

"Well, where are Enids parents?" She asked Wednesday.

"I was hoping Enid could stay with us."

Morticia looked at Enid and smiled. "If Wednesday is willing to share her room and bed, than absolutely!"

Enid beamed. She held in a squeal. "Thank you,ma'am!!"

Morticia stared at her. Enid grew worried, thinking she said something wrong.

"Ma'am? Oh, darling, call me Morticia!" Enid sighed a breath of relief and nodded.

"...uhm, mother."

"Yes, Wednesday?"

"Me and Enid"

"I could tell honey."

Wednesday nodded before turning to Enid. "Ask lurch to put you stuff somewhere safely. Ill come to you in a few seconds." Enid nodded, squeezing her hand once more before letting go to retrieve her stuff.

Enid is the girl that i want to kiss...Where stories live. Discover now