Are we too young for this?

722 13 82

Song title:softcore

Okay- this could definitely count as angst, so here are the warnings:

-Comments about body (sexually)
-A little sexual assault
-Panic attack
-Talking about private parts
-Mentions of a TEENAGERS sexual parts to be clear
-Suggested quotes- no smut at all!!! Very suggested- i wanted to vomit writing some of these quotes, really- if you have any triggers to these type of things, please please PLEASE dont read this chapter, even though it ends with fluff, i am very concerned i somehow make someones issues worse. I apologise if it does, but i did warn you guys!

A little context; This is for Latina and hispanic women! A representation of how Latina/hispanic women struggle to LIVE- even in our new and aged generation! Please show some support to our Latinas/hispanics who are overlooked,heavily objectified and sexualised. Im using Wednesday, a Latina/hispanic TEENAGED girl, to represent the struggle, even as young adults.

These are the warnings so please, if you have any trauma/PTSD related to these and havent fully recovered, please dont proceed or do so with caution- i do not want to make you feel upset and let you to relive those horrible memories.

Anyhow- enjoy! (Btw Enid isnt the bad person here if you guys are thinking that 😭(

Enid hugged Wednesday softly, her eyes closed contently as she squeezed Wednesday almost painfully.

"Im going out with my friends, you think you can go out by yourself today? I dont have enough time to go get coffee with you right now." Enid explained, disturbing their usual routine.

"It seems so, but you still waste time engulfing me." Wednesday mumbled as she tried to push her lover away.

"Ughhh! Im just going to miss you so much!!!" She exclaimed, squeezing harder.

Wednesday groaned before she spoke. "Querida, you do this everyday, then you come back home, tackle me in my bed and then cuddle with me until either one of us grow tired."  Wednesday spoke truthfully.

Enid frowned as she pulled away to look into Wednesdays eyes.

She heard small snickers in the corner of the shop. Her eyes drifted over to a group of men, about twenty years old, who was staring at her. Wednesday furrowed her brows. Have they seen her on the news? Did she have something on her shirt? Wait- why did she care? No ones opinion matters unless its hers or Enids.

Just as she was about to turn back to the cashier, she heard a shout.

"Hey, sexy! Over here!" She heard one of the men shout. She looked toward the person. A middle aged man, a goatee hiding his chin, his eyes big and round- except for his right one which was folded in half due to the humongous smirk on his face.

Wednesday scowled at him. She didnt respond as she turned back around toward the cashier.

"Yeah, show me that ass!" She heard another one shout.

Suddenly, a rage she had never felt before bubbled within her. Anger. Fury. Hurt. Murder. She normally felt anger. Hell, she felt it more than normal,calm feelings. Buy this anger was different. She actually wanted to murder the men in front of everyone. Well, the cashier and the old person sitting elsewhere, almost out if sight.

Wednesday clenched her jaw before she turned back around. She scowled as the men mockingly cooed sadly, obviously referring to being sad about not seeing her rear. "You guys are immature and utterly disgusting." She started walking toward them, making sure to show dominance in the situation, pushing down the uncharacteristic fear she felt.

However, she carried on; "How could you say such things about a teenage girl- i am just about 16. Have some shame, you disgusting imbeciles." She practically growled as she made it in front of all the men im the booth. She only now realised how intimidating this was, there was a man on each seat of the booth- rounding half the table perfectly. That was about 7 men infront of her.

Enid is the girl that i want to kiss...Where stories live. Discover now