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I quickly grabbed some food from the media center and returned back to the Red Bull hospitality.
My crew was already filming stuff and following the drivers.
"You did great with the interviews, I'm proud" Scott was standing next to me. I was tired but it was actually fun to see how the teams worked behind the scenes.

"You want a tour?" Max walked up to us, but he only looked at me. I nodded. I wasn't really interested in the hospitality but it was a great way to get to know Max better.
If he liked me, the interviews would be much better because he would be much more relaxed.
"I've heard you have some good food around here?" I chuckled and luckily he understood the joke as well. He wasn't bothered by it, he actually laughed a little too.
"Guess you have to taste it this weekend" he said as we walked through the hospitality. "I definitely will" I nodded. "Oh can I steal this?" I pointed at the Red Bull fridge.
He just nodded with a smile on his face. I was happy I would be around Red Bull this weekend, it meant that I had access to an unlimited amount of their drinks.

After the tour around the hospitality and garage. We returned back to my crew. They were still filming the hospitality so I nudged Scott quickly when I saw Christian and Toto talking.
If there was one thing I learned, it was that Toto and Christian couldn't stand each other so we had to film that.
Scott told our crew to film them. "Good call" he said with a smile.
A little drama between the two of them would make it only better.


I spend the entire day with the Bulls but I was ready to go back. They were fun to be around but I could use some time to myself.

"Okay, what do you do exactly? You've got an all access pass and you're not wearing a team kit" Lando walked up to me from behind. He should really stop doing that.
"Are you stalking me?" I looked at him. He probably thought I was serious so I quickly smiled. Note to self, he can't read my sarcasm yet.
"Pretty much yeah. You're cute so I was checking if I could ask you out or not" The confidence on this man was unbelievable. I thought he was a little shy but I guess I was wrong.
"I am sorry but I don't do dates" especially not with people I work with.
It would be way too messy and it just wasn't allowed.
I had access in every hospitality and garage. We could hear things that other teams would love to know, so dating a driver was definitely a no-go.
"Then what do you do?" It was a question I didn't expect, no one really asked me that.
"Fuck around with F1 drivers so it seems" I chuckled a little. I didn't have an answer for his question so I decided to just joke around.
"Alright, we can do that, but only with me though" he put his hand in front of me. "Give me your phone" I grabbed my phone and put it in his hand. He quickly typed something and returned my phone with a smile on his face. "Text me whenever you want" he smirked a little before walking away.

I just looked at him in disbelief. This guy was gonna ruin my life but this was gonna be so awkward when he realizes I'm working for Netflix.

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