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"Are you kidding me? I thought I had a couple of days off and now I have to work again?" I sneered through the phone. I wish I didn't pick up my phone but they would've just called Scott and he deserved a little break especially since he saved me several times.
"Yeah fine. I'll get myself ready and drive there" I disconnected the call and threw my phone on the bed.
I guess it wasn't gonna be a relaxing day for me.

After I got myself ready and drove for about half an hour, I arrived at the MTC.
It was a really impressive building. My crew was already waiting for me as I walked to them.
We all walked in, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was so beautiful. "You really follow me around everywhere" A smiling Lando was looking at me.
"I have to unfortunately" I jokingly said even though it was kinda true. I quickly kissed his cheek as I hugged him. "You're just in time. I actually need someone to take my pictures" he put the camera in my hands. Okay so now I also worked as his photographer. It wasn't what I was planning to do but it was definitely more fun than following Zak around.
"Okay so just look natural" I said as I stood in front of him. He laughed a little as he sat down on a car. "You're distracting me" he put his hands through his hair.
"How so?" I was a bit confused because I didn't really do anything. "Just because" he shrugged his shoulders. I guess he didn't really have an answer for it either.

@LandoNorris: I've had a great photographer

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@LandoNorris: I've had a great photographer. She made me look good.

Liked by @SofiaGarcia, @Mclaren, @AveryReese and 539.748 others.

@SofiaGarcia: You always look amazing 🧡
> @user1: omg are u guys dating?
> @SofiaGarcia: Yes we are 🥰
> @user1: OMG
> @user2: he's not single anymore
> @user3: congratulations
@Mclaren: We are ready for Miami!
@user4: Damn 🥵

We were both sitting down together. We were looking at the lake in front of the MTC. I had to admit that it was pretty impressive.
"Sofia just announced your relationship" I said as I put my phone away.
I guess that was the reason why his phone was blowing up. He nodded as he was looking at the lake. "I know" he showed me his phone. Even his friends asked if it was true. "So what do you think about it? Were you ready to announce it?" I looked at him, his face honestly said enough. "It would've been nice if she asked me about it but I guess it's too late now" he shrugged his shoulders.

"You wanna annoy Zak?" I had to lighten the mood somehow and I knew he would definitely be up for that.
He quickly looked at me. "Of course I wanna do that but how?" He raised his eyebrow. I didn't really think about that just yet.
"What would annoy him?" I asked. He knew him better so he would definitely find something to annoy or prank him. "Me leaving would annoy him" he said laughing. He didn't think I would take it serious but that was actually the best prank.
"I have an interview with him now, so let's joke around a bit with that" I nudged him. He didn't completely understand what I meant but I guess he trusted me enough.


"Hi Zak, how are you?" I asked as soon as Zak walked in. "Good how are you?" He asked as he sat down. I just nodded.
Lando was doing some sim work so I could mess with him a little.
I started with some basic questions, questions that weren't that interesting to me but my boss told me to asked them.
"Last question, what do you think about Red Bull approaching Lando?" Even my crew was confused by my question but Zak's face actually turned white.
"They did what?" He quickly looked around, probably trying to find his assistant. "Oh it's just something I've heard" I shrugged it off. "Thank you Zak" I nodded at him. He didn't even bother to say bye. He probably went off to find Lando.


"He almost passed out. It was literally so funny" Lando explained the whole thing. Zak came to find him after our interview.
"So you told him it was a joke?" I asked as I looked at him. He shook his head which confused me a little. "Why not?" We were both walking through the MTC. We were both done for the day.
"It's fun to see him sweat a little" he chuckled. I rolled my eyes. Of course he would enjoy it a little bit too much.

Just as we were about to walk out, Sofia walked in the MTC. I recognized her, I had to admit that she was absolutely beautiful. "Hi baby" she put her hand on his cheek and pressed her lips against his.
It probably was one of the worst feelings, to see another girl kiss the guy you like right in front of you. "Hi baby, this is Avery. She works for Netflix" he introduced me.
She smiled as she looked at me. "That's so fun, I bet its an amazing job" she said. She had some accent, Spanish maybe? "It is, it gets you places you know" she nodded as she listened to me.
Fuck, she was actually nice.
"We definitely have to hang out together, I would love to have a friend around the paddock because it gets lonely" she wrapped her arm around Lando's arm and pressed her body against him.
"Sure, that would be fun" I said but I definitely wasn't looking forward to that.

"Anyways I have to go. See you both very soon I guess" I said and I quickly walked out of the building. That definitely was a bit awkward but I could see why he liked her. She was beautiful and sweet.
It made things even worse.

Fuck it, I was definitely gonna hook up with Charles again.

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