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I was so relieved to have a few weeks off. I really needed this. I had to admit that I didn't really like to have Millie here but Avery wanted to invite her.
I wondered if she knew about all the things she said, did she ask her to tell me about that?
"Stop daydreaming man" Max Fewtrell sat down next to me. We were chilling on a boat, just as I said I would do.
He probably noticed where I was looking at, or should I say who.
"You guys are cute" he nudged me playfully.
I just nodded with a smile on my face but he probably noticed it was a fake one. "What's up? You're acting a bit weird" everything Millie said was still on repeat in my mind. I didn't trust her completely but what if Avery really said that?
Just as I was about to tell Max about it, Avery walked up to me and sat down on my lap.

"I've missed you" she said with a little smile on her face. She was one of the only people who kept me sane during the season.
"Oh did you?" I smirked as I pressed my lips against hers. She pecked her lips a couple of times against mine. "I will never get enough of your kisses" she mumbled against my lips.
It was definitely the same way around, I never wanted to taste other lips against mine.
"I'm gonna sunbathe with Millie okay?" I nodded as my hands traveled over her back.
"Yes baby" she spend most of her time with Millie anyways but Millie didn't know any of my friends except for Max.
I really thought they liked each other but I was so wrong about that.

"Mate, have you seen this?" Max sat down next to me and put his phone in my hands. I quickly looked through the pictures. It were a couple of pictures of drivers enjoying their vacation but there was also one picture of me, with Avery.
"Fuck" I mumbled. Max nodded in agreement.
"Why don't you just announce it?" He asked.
I actually wouldn't mind to tell the world about us, but I knew Avery wouldn't agree to that.
She could possibly lose her job, so we had to try and wait until the end of the season, which obviously was gonna be impossible.

@F1News: couple of drivers enjoying their summer break

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@F1News: couple of drivers enjoying their summer break.

Liked by 103.749 users.

@user1: They deserve it!
@user2: wait, that's Lando with a girl?
@user3: I knew he wasn't single!
@user4: omg 😢
@user5: but look at the smile on his face though


Avery and I were laying on our bed after a tiring day. I showed her the picture, she definitely didn't like it. "I can't lose my job Lando" she put my phone on the bed as she sighed. "You can't even see that it's you" honestly all you could see was her hair, it was not that big of a deal, atleast not for her.
"My boss will definitely recognize me" I just rolled my eyes at her comment.
Her boss probably won't even see the damn pictures.
"Honestly I don't know how to make you happy anymore, what do you want me to do?" It's not like I took the picture and put it online.
I understood that she couldn't lose her job, she had no one to help her, except for me but she wanted to be as independent as possible.
"Just tell them you're dating someone else" I chuckled a little because I thought she was joking, but she wasn't.
I raised my eyebrow. "Are you serious? Like who?" She shrugged her shoulders.
"Millie maybe?" I shook my head as I started laughing. "What?" She asked, she was actually serious about this.
"You can't be serious? She's crazy baby, she will think we're dating for real" I felt bad for calling her best friend crazy but someone had to tell her. She obviously didn't believe me because she just rolled her eyes.
"She literally made some comments about having sex with me before" I blurted out but it was time that she knew about it. I thought she would take this seriously but she just shrugged it off. "She's probably just joking or wanted to annoy you a little" was she seriously this blind?
"C'mon baby, it would take all the attention away from me and she's the only one I trust" she put her head on my chest and looked up at me.
I sighed. "She's the only one you shouldn't trust" I mumbled but I didn't want to ruin this vacation. "Fine"

I obviously wasn't fine with it but I also didn't want to lose her. Was her job more important than our relationship?
It clearly was and I was just a sucker for her.

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