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We all ended up in Lando's house after the dinner.
We were sitting outside, it was a beautiful evening.
I really liked his friends and hopefully they liked me too. "Did he finally have the balls to kiss you?" Max asked softly. It made me chuckle a little.
"He definitely did" I said as I looked at Lando.
I was so attracted to him, it was more than just his looks, his personality was amazing. He could make me laugh and loved in only a matter of seconds.
"I am happy for the both of you" he smiled. "But now you should definitely give me some airtime" he continued. I rolled my eyes laughing.
"I will think about it" I didn't know if he was serious about this but I could atleast try to put him in the show.

"Alright guys, Avery and I are going to bed" Lando announced all of a sudden. I didn't mind, I was pretty tired and I needed some cuddles and kisses.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me with him. I quickly waved at the others. I bet they all knew what we were about to do.
"Finally it's just you and me" he said as we walked in his room. He pulled me against his body and kissed me. His kisses went from my lips to my neck as he nibbled a little on it.
"Fuck Lando, I want you" I mumbled softly. I couldn't keep it in any longer, I wanted to feel him on me, in me. I wanted to feel him everywhere.
I didn't have to tell him twice, he pushed me on the bed and crawled on top of me.

Not much later we already lost most of our clothes. Lando was kissing me all over my body, just as he said he would. His kisses went from my belly to my boobs to my neck and ended on my lips.
He pressed his body against mine and put his hand on my cheek as I tasted his tongue against mine.
My heart was beating so fast.
I wrapped my legs around his body after our kiss ended. His hand traveled over my body, down to my legs. He quickly took off my panties and threw them away.
His fingers were doing exactly what I needed and wanted the most. They were making me even more horny.
I moaned a little, I didn't care who could hear me. I waited so long for this.
"I wanna feel you" I looked at him, I didn't have to tell him twice, he quickly took off his underwear and entered me slowly.

I closed my eyes to enjoy it even more. I felt him inside me before, but this was feeling even better.
Nothing could beat this feeling, we weren't messing around anymore, we were making love.


I was the one to wake up first the next morning. I bet he was pretty tired from the race and definitely from last night.
I decided not to wake him up, he needed his rest but I needed my coffee, desperately. I slowly got up and tried to find my clothes.
They were laying all around the room, Lando just threw them away when he was undressing me.
I quickly and quietly put them on and left the room.

Fortunately I knew my way around his house already and I definitely knew where the kitchen was.
I didn't expect someone to be awake yet but I was wrong. Max was awake too. He was sitting on the kitchen counter just staring ahead of him.
"Good morning, are you okay?" I looked at him as I poured myself a coffee. He nodded. "How did you sleep?" He asked with a smirk.
It was a question he didn't need to ask because he probably heard us. "Very good, we were pretty tired" my answer made him chuckle.
"Is the muppet still asleep?" I nodded. He needed his sleep.
"Did he tell you what his plans are for next year?" Max looked at me, I just shook my head. "Are you concerned he won't have a seat next year?" Lando most definitely told him that Mclaren were planning to drop him because I could see the concern in his face.
He shrugged his shoulders. "He's just convinced that Mclaren or Zak won't do that to him, but he doesn't realize that this sport is cruel" He was right, he trusted Zak too much.
Maybe I had to talk to him? Convince him to talk to other teambosses?
I could atleast try.

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